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crime in adelaide

Guest Guest5035

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Guest Guest5035

Is it me or what, but crime seems to be getting worse in Adelaide, 2 old girls murdered in the last 2 weeks, both beaten to death, the gang of 49 still running round, the bikies and their enemies still at it, shootings in the City, etc etc etc. I've been here since 91 and it is slowly getting worse.


The Cops do there best for some doo gooder to come along and , bad childhood here bad that etc etc and they get off.



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Crime? Sorry, has there been crime? Hard to find any details amongst all the Commonwealth Games news!! Perhaps you're just noticing the media coverage more because there's no football for the papers to talk about?


Those poor ladies beaten to death though - absolutely awful, especially as the first one was by kids ffs!! I think I heard they'd arrested someone for the recent one - is that kids too?


Unfortunately it seems to be the way of the world these days - Adelaide isn't utopia as we're always saying, and there will always be an antisocial element in any society - mind you, I'm listening to a recording of the book The Clockwork Orange at the moment (weird book!) and thank goodness it hasn't reached those levels here yet!

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Guest needtogonow

A teacher in my daughters school was telling the class yesterday that Adelaide has the highest statistics for murders and rapes compared to any other city in Australia.


This really shocked me and I am hoping someone may write something to the contrary on here.

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i heard that too, its all those macho sexcist south australian men with dodgy beards!!!:)


i think its world wide tho i have noticed a rise in violent house break ins when the families are at home, now thats scary:shocked:

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Guest needtogonow
i heard that too, its all those macho sexcist south australian men with dodgy beards!!!:)


i think its world wide tho i have noticed a rise in violent house break ins when the families are at home, now thats scary:shocked:


:biglaugh: Yep there's plenty of these around here!

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Guest guest569

we went away a few weeks ago early on the friday morning. It was the weekend of the bad wind and rain. We got a phone call from a friend about 2pm on sat afternoon asking where we were as our front door was wide open !!!!:shocked:

It was the bloody strong wind on the friday daytime !!! Our neighbour thought it strange on the friday night that they could see straight up our passage and in the family room, and again just before lunch on the saturday, so they contacted our friends.

everything was safe and sound i'm glad to say.:notworthy:

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Guest Squareman

I've noticed a lot more crime being reported in the Tiser too, and frankly, as I am trying to get out of Johannesburg to come to Adelaide, its pretty worrying.


The good thing is, the police seem to be competent enough and unlike South Africa, it isn't the police who are actually behind all of the crime with their dodgy syndicates!

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Guest Guest5035
I've noticed a lot more crime being reported in the Tiser

The good thing is, the police seem to be competent enough



quite right in both aspects, but when they get to court, thats where the competency is let down.


3 arrested today for leading the cops on a day long car chase, what will they get in sentence..... FA.


Hit run driver arrested today, what will he get... FA.


Last week two arrested for attempted murder, again .....FA,


One old girl murdered by two 14 year olds, bad childhood etc etc will be the excuse.... FFS




Oh and i forgot about the bastards who treated those poor kids in the House of Horrors, they should be named and shamed, what sentence again ...FA

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Same back in the Yuk mate, we were threatened by knife weilding kid on our own doorstep...i confronted him after he broke my sons skate board...and he went to his friends and came back with the big carving knife.....got a slap wrist.....for it all.


To be fair the cop came round and apologised for the way the CPS dealt with the matter.


Not just here.....and we lived in a lovely country village in the heart of Gloucestershire...



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I agree, the crimes are shocking lately!


It isnt just the courts who let us down tho!

Recent reports of COP CRIME...............include;

a big 100kg male cop beating a handcuffed 47kg WOMAN; how brave is HE?


A cop beating the bejayzus out of a handcuffed guy, then shoving a hosepipe down his throat; how very community spirited!


We pay for protection from LOW LIFE, not FOR them to use the uniform to excuse it!


I know not all cops are bad, but the fact is crime is everywhere, sad but true; the reporting is becoming more shock value, and we pay for what exactly?

The cops investigating the woman murdered in the hills had a bloody operator dismiss her call for help!!


What is the world coming to?

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I tend to disagree with a lot of what has been mentioned on this thread so far.


Granted there has been a recent crime wave throughout Adelaide, but you will also tend to find that it is the same people committing the same offence over and over again. If you go back a few months ago there was 7-8 armed hold ups in the North Eastern Suburbs. One guy was caught and was charged with everyone of them, suprise suprise it suddenly stopped. The same seems to be happening again.


Violent crime, like armed hold ups etc does seem to occur more here, however in my opinion crime in general is a lot less here and I for one feel safer here than I ever did in the UK.


The bikkie and 49's problem is made out to be a lot worse by the media than it actually is, because lets face it if they didnt report on either of them two then who and what would they actually cover, because there isn't any other 'major issues!'


And to further add to that the crimes they are often involved in are more often than not against each other and not your average Joe on the street.

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....a few months ago there was 7-8 armed hold ups in the North Eastern Suburbs. .....


Do you know where this was? I live in the North Eastern suburbs and I'm sure I'd have heard something about this if it was happening anywhere near here!


Not saying it didn't of course, but the North Eastern suburbs are generally one of the safest areas of Adelaide and I rarely hear any mention in the news.


Could it have been the Northern suburbs perhaps?

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Do you know where this was? I live in the North Eastern suburbs and I'm sure I'd have heard something about this if it was happening anywhere near here!


Not saying it didn't of course, but the North Eastern suburbs are generally one of the safest areas of Adelaide and I rarely hear any mention in the news.


Could it have been the Northern suburbs perhaps?


It was around Pooraka, does that qualify as North eastern, or is that more eastern! lol

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It was around Pooraka, does that qualify as North eastern, or is that more eastern! lol


LOL I'd call that just about as North as you can get as almost on the Main North Road and pretty much due north of the CBD! Glad to hear it wasn't round here though - I know I walk around in my own little world most of the time but felt sure I'd have heard of something major like that happening nearby!!

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Guest Rich&Susie

Hi all,


I don't live in Adelaide (yet), so i'm not that qualified in making a judgement on this with respect to Australia. However, i'm a crime analyst in the UK, and unfortunately in this case, like so many others the media plays it's part in affecting peoples perceptions of crime.

I'm not wishing to play down the serious crimes that have been reported in the newspaper, but it annoys me when i see headlines like 'Crime wave swamps city', and then reading that we're talking about 8 offences in 5 weeks, albeit they were serious in nature. Of course, hidden in the report is the line 'attacks against people have fallen by 2.9% in the past year'. Again, a caveat can be applied to this as that figure is most likely based on the number of reports to the police, so it is reliant on people that are willing to do that. In the UK only 2 in every 5 violent crimes are every reported to the police so you can read into that what you will...

Unfortunately, crime is a way of life and always has been, (and always will). I work in a local authority area which is fairly urban (and deprived) with a population a quarter of the size of Adelaide. Here, there is on average just over one 'serious violent' crime every other day. I'm talking about GBH and above when describing 'serious violence'. The newspaper article talks about 8 offences in 5 weeks. I think that this needs to be put into context.

Obviously there have been several incidents involving questionable tactics that have been used by a number of police forces in Oz in the past few weeks that have spread across the world. I think that this story simply builds upon that and unfortunately it has impacted on the way people feel (such as feeling safe at night, which i might add is not a representative sample).


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Guest katsmajic

Armed hold ups have had an increase recently 'up north' but it quite usual for the stores i work for to be held up 3/4 times a month - thats over 8 stores not just the one, but its been a cple a week for a few mths now - they just dont all make the press...c,games took all the space in the tiser lol...

Did you know working in the retail industry you have odds of 1/104 chances of being the wrong side of an armed robbery....

and servo's give cops free coffees just to have their regular presence on site.

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Guest guest569
and servo's give cops free coffees just to have their regular presence on site.


same as in the Uk kat, Our local mcdonalds used to feed the night duty shift so they would stick around at night.( For what use they were !!)

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Crime here is just a fraction of what we had back home. There was so much crime in Nottingham that the media wouldn't even report on most of it. Choosing the more serious crimes and murders, of which there were 2 last week of young females. One beaten to death the other stabbed.


Over here the media are at an incident in a flash and the term armed is always used. These crimes happen all over the world and I have to say Adelaide is so much safer than most places in the UK. (The force could perhaps do with a bit of modernisation and reformatting though)


As for those idiot cops I think Queensland are a law un to themselves!!!!!



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I think that there is a fair amount of low-key (?) crime...from reports that someone has tried to abduct a kid or bashings to silly, but anti-social, stuff such as racking, graffitti, hooning etc. If Katsmajic's experience is that hold-ups are frequent then I guess that's the go and it's horrible but is it really that different from anywhere else?


Adelaide is just a place full of people. There are some very nice people, some not so nice people and some silly kids but isn't that the same pretty much the world over? IMHO it is easy to have an unrealistic opinion of Adelaide and I put it down to the "Adelaide is 40 years behind the UK" thing. I'm sure everyone is right in their perception - particularly Rich- but I wouldn't worry. I worry more about the fact we are turning into a Care Bear society with the do-gooders and PC brigade sticky beaking into every thing.


This is just my opinion. I don't normally post but I had an email to send and was being nosey lol so please be kind!


:wubclub: LC

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