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Electricity Audit


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Is there any way that you can have an audit done to see where your electricity charges are accruing.


Our last two quarterly bills have been 900 dollars.We dont have a drier,a pool,air conditioning and we virtually live in the family room,so other rooms rarely have lights on,just kind understand how these bills are so high.There are only three of us living in the house.


My friend who lives in Sydney has 6 people in the house,lots more gadgets etc and her bills are substantially lower.


Any ideas gratefully appreciated.



Thanks Sue

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Guest ifuwereme

Hi Sue


you may have done this already, but if not, it's worth checking to see whether your meter reading have been estimates or based on actual readings. It should tell you on the bill.


The reason I mention it is that recently some friends of ours had a huge bill because their meter isn't accessible from the street. The Electricity company therefore used an 'estimate'. Despite the fact that they'd been there for years, the estimate was massively over inflated from their average consumption.

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Guest Lorraine Doyle



Our bills were the same until we changed our down lighters from GU10 to leds. This makes a huge difference. Also believe it or not the dishwasher also made a difference. My bills went down from $900 to $400 odd. We had 7 in the house.


Hope this helps....

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Definitely identify source. Something not right. We are at $900 + for winter and summer quarters and less than that for autumn spring . We have 2 story house, 5 people, 2 televisions an xbox never off, dryer, dishwasher and I'm a wimp so heat and ac whenever needed. Forgot the teens who don't turn anything off. Then shop around.

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Guest Chris_J

Those down lighters bulls eye lights are terrible, a lot of people may not realise but each one is 50 watts. We looked at a house the other day which had 14 in one area so that's 700 watts in just one area. As mentioned above LED is the way to go plus they last forever. How cold are your fridge and freezer? Only needs to be a quarter of the way up and is your water heater on all the time? Boil the kettle a lot?

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Lorraine,will look into downlighters. Dont even have a dishwasher.


Bills have been read.


Thanks Sue


No dishwasher? Wanna get that sorted Sue :wink:


See ya tomorrow

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Our last bill was something like $1,300 if not more. Three of us, two out at work all day, one at school. Nothing left on standby. TVs are as energy efficient as you can get (two lines of stars, whatever that's supposed to mean in reality). Cook-top and fire in living room are gas, hot water is solar (backed by electric), dryer not yet set up, so that's not using anything! All downlights (which we don't use much anyway) are low energy. Aircon's a monster of a unit but we use it sparingly. The only thing we have that we didn't have previously is a pool, but during winter the pump isn't on much.


Oh, and we have solar power! :mad:



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Guest Lorraine Doyle

That's crazy!! Must be something wrong. I know I complained to AGL because thought ours was huge but yours would make me drop!! Wonder if its worthwhile getting our metres checked? Could an old metre cause such differences? Anyone know?

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That's crazy!! Must be something wrong. I know I complained to AGL because thought ours was huge but yours would make me drop!! Wonder if its worthwhile getting our metres checked? Could an old metre cause such differences? Anyone know?


Well, our meter was new with the house (two years old), then changed when we had the solar installed, so new again.

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