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A question for the ladies...

Guest NatsandSteve

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Guest NatsandSteve

Hello ladies,


I recently had an abnormal smear test and had to go and have the cells removed (LLETZ procedure) and will now have to have a follow up smear in 6 months by which time I will be in Australia.


My question is, if any of you have had to go through this as well, how have you found the service in Australia, say compared to the NHS in the UK. I found the nhs not very friendly or supportive and very much just rushed me out to get the next patient in, didn't even answer some of my questions. Plus I had to practically beg for my 3 yearly smear as I hadn't received an 'invitation' for an appointment (I'd moved house and they hadn't updated my address so I never received it!)

I suppose moving over is stressful enough without having to worry and think about this too, so I'm hoping somebody can tell me a positive experience they may have had with their doctor in OZ because I find the ones over here ****!


Thanks :-)

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Hi NatsandSteve - SA Cervix Screening with the Department for Health and Ageing (SA Government department) is our state governing department that administers the reminders and are the ones that send all the reminders etc and collate statistics. They probably do a lot of other things too. I've needed to contact then a few times and the women who work there seem very helpful and caring. This is a link to their website -http://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/healthy+living/recommended+health+checks/pap+smears I don't have any particular name of a person as a few of the women I knew that worked there have now gone but probably a good contact in any case. Take care & good luck on your impending arrival in Oz.

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Guest gabriel


I've had this procedure done also in the UK Feb 2011 I had CIN 3 & had cells removed..I had a follow up appointment with the consultant in Sept 2011 which was clear. My consultant wrote a letter so that I could show it to my new GP in Adelaide. So I had a smear this March, (the GP also checks your breasts, something they do not do in the UK she even sent me for a mammogram as I was coming up to 40, again something they do not do in UK at that age). my GP suggested that I get tested for HPV (something that women are not getting tested for in UK something the consultant said UK wants to introduce). so in September I got tested for HPV & thankfully I did not have the Virus. I will now have another smear test in March.


I would say they are very thorough here my friends have said they are a little over the top sometimes but I would rather them be this way... as I went from having normal smears for years & then the most severe abnormal cells you can get!!!!

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Guest The travelling brummie's

Hi :)


Just like to say I had this exact experience whilst on my working holidya visa in feb 2011. I had an abnormal smear test and had to go and have the cells removed (LLETZ procedure) I was scared to death. I really worked myself up, calling my mom every day and even stared suffering from anxiety. Worst of all - I had my Smear and colposcopy in Brisbane and due to the heavy flooding our house was unlivable so we moved back down to Adelaide where i have family. I thought all of my records would be transfered down - But i thought wrong! So i had to especially fly 4 hours back up to QLD and have my surgery.


But i just wanted to let you know you shouldnt be scared and the whole experience was fine, the worst part about it for me was undergoing the general anesthetic and then flying the next day - it really mucked me about.


All of the follow up treatment and appointments were great i really stressef to my doctor about how worried i was and she was very supportive. Honestly jsut mention that being away from home makes the whole experience a little scary. My doctor wad great. After the surgery i got myself back to normal and had my follow up smear and everything was all clear, i have now had 3 smears since and all have been ok.


I lived in Hyde park near Unley and my doctor was in the hyde park surgery. I really do believe you are in better hands over there, out it this way - IF i hadnt of gone for that initial smear (being 22 and not allowed one in the UK untill your 25!!!) then god only knows what would of happened to my condition - at least i had an opportunity to get it sorted in Australia! Everyone who dealt with me throughout the whole ordeal was lovely!


I am now back in the UK and have had right trouble getting my follow up smear appointments! apparently my GP here has to write to the lab with all my history as they do not process smears untill your 25!


I hope you have the same experience as me and manage to find a good doctor who helps you with your worries.


All the best


Jo x

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Hi, I am new to this site so hello! I have now been in Adelaide for 5 years and I find everything medical exceptional, I have had a few things done here, IVF, foot surgery, had swine flu etc and every time the GP and all hospital staff were amazing. I am a practice manager in a dental practice so can vouch for that side of things as well. I would say though that given some of similar situations that my friends have gone through, my experiences were better and I feel very much that this is down to my health cover and her lack of cover, might not be the case but you never know.

Good luck with the move - it will be the best thing you have ever done :-)


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