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Laptop repair....?


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If you have another computer and it can burn a cd or dvd you may be able to use some rescue tools to get it going again. An alternative is to - if it's not a battery issue and power is getting through - use a live cd/dvd of a Linux distribution to see if you can get it going. You can boot from a live disk if the guts of the computer is still operating and if the existing operating system is cactus. With your other computer just download an iso file, burn it to a disk so that i becomes bootable, shove it in the slot and boot up (again this is assuming that the bios and other bits and pieces are still working). Failing that you can probably find in one of the many computer magazines around the place a cd or dvd attached that may well have a Linux distribution on it already (that's how I got started using Linux).


If that works and you have a user-friendly Linux distro on the laptop (eg LinuxMint or Ubuntu or similar - stay away from Arch or Gentoo and other more arcane distros) you may want to keep it instead of selling it as it's as functional as a Windows machine and software is free (as in free beer).

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