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Hello I know I've asked this question before but it was many months ago, and now everything is very real with our visa in our pocket and us travelling out on 2nd November. We haven't got accomodation yet but we are looking at North to North West Adelaide, we are looking at schools with the intention of living near to one.


I am trying to narrow down list of schools there are plenty of primary schools but high schools weather state or independant there are alot less of them, its difficult to pin down which is worth going to look at when we arrive.


I've been looking closely at Adelaide High if anyone has any views on that particular school I am very interested, I noticed it has a zone policy and the area's within that zone are very close to the centre of Adelaide and therefore very expensive. It a school that has flagged up as very good with its muti-language policy.


I am interested in looking at primary/high combined schools (if there is any?) or high schools, I've seen schools prospectous, but interested what its really like in them. Is the education standard good? is there strong discipline within in schools are the sports facilities good and whats on offer, do they offer lots of after schools activities and is there good communication beween parents and teachers?


In other words can someone dish the dirt.


Thanks Julie

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Adelaide High School does have a very good reputation, but you will find that it, and other good High Schools, are pretty strict on only offering places to those living within their catchment area. You will have to show at least a twelve month rental contract on a property within that area to be offered a place (in most cases - some schools will make an exception for instance if your child has particular talents in an area such as music, languages or sport)


I would strongly recommend you go and visit the schools as soon as you arrive, and then look for a rental (or buy) in the catchment area of the school that impresses you most. Bear in mind that what suits one child may not suit another, so while people's opinions are obviously very useful, you shouldn't really make a judgement for YOUR child based on what suits or doesn't suit someone else's child (I am sure you know this so sorry if I'm stating the obvious!). Generally I have been really impressed with both sports and music facilities at a lot of the High Schools I have visited (the three I was most impressed with were probably Adelaide High, Brighton, and Marryatville, but then I was looking for a client with a musical child) - Marryatville is probably in the wrong location, but the other two are worth a look, definitely. I have heard good things about Norwood Morialta, Modbury High, Charles Campbell and Golden Grove High School too - although again those are East and North East.


There are a few schools that go "all the way through" (Reception to Year 12) although some that do that, do have different campusses for the lower, middle and upper year groups. I think Ocean View College is one in the North West if you haven't looked at that one yet. The Decs website is a good one for getting contact details and websites for schools - go to http://www.decs.sa.gov.au/locs/ and click Adelaide on the map to get a more detailed map of the areas.



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my daughter is at Adelaide High School, and it does have a very good reputation, good diciplin, it has the odd problem with childrens behaviour but deals with them, and is well equiped. My daughter is happy at the school and the pupils and staff are all very friendly, however she insists that the teaching from many of the staff is not as good as William light school in Plymton she went to for the first half of the year, or as good as she had in private school and state collage in the UK. I have tried to find out why she thinks this and she tells me at the end of many lessons most of the class have to work out what they have learned as it is not always obvious, this maybe good prep for univercity!, as I said she is very happy there and she expects to do well.



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