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BMG's Big British Expats Bash, Put our diaries now!!!

Guest Brummie Stew

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I'm confused, it says the big British expats bash but also the Birmingham and midlands group ?. Do you have to come from Birmingham and or the midlands to attend and if you are a British expat that is from somewhere else from the UK do we have to talk really slowly with a drool to fit in ;)

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Guest Brummie Stew
OMG!! I bet half the people attending used to complain about all the Indians and Pakistanis not mixing with the locals in England.


Don't know what you mean....no complaining here..we are very multicultural, just like England..

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Guest Brummie Stew
I'm confused, it says the big British expats bash but also the Birmingham and midlands group ?. Do you have to come from Birmingham and or the midlands to attend and if you are a British expat that is from somewhere else from the UK do we have to talk really slowly with a drool to fit in ;)


The Birmingham & Midland Group is purly a name. We welcome all, and no you don't have to talk with a slow drool....but you can if you want too.

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Guest Brummie Stew
Ewwww! All those poms in one place! :shocked:


(sorry, just couldn't resist. I'm a weak, weak, but truthful, woman!)


:wink: LC

PS. Have fun :)


We will have fun, I'm sure. You'll be missing out I am afraid.....

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Guest Brummie Stew
Not to worry Stew....you know the rules on this site...everyone complains when there is no meets then moans at one being organised!!


I couldn't agree more.....what is it about us British..

This is more than likely why we haven't a permanant club, unlike other migrant groups in Australia...shame on us.

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Guest pete66

Heard there was a good night organised for 2nd June


Couldn't resist, and I agree we English do not tend to mix well....but organised events like this and our one does at least try to break down barriers and promote events. Stew, we should promote each other do's

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Guest Brummie Stew
Heard there was a good night organised for 2nd June too



Couldn't resist, and I agree we English do not tend to mix well....but organised events like this and our one does at least try to break down barriers and promote events. Stew, we should promote each other do's


Thanks for the support - it would be great to catch up, so drag a crew along with you.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Barney Rubble
Ewwww! All those poms in one place! :shocked:


(sorry, just couldn't resist. I'm a weak, weak, but truthful, woman!)


:wink: LC

PS. Have fun :)


Now i'm confused even more, i was convinced you were my wife until you said you were a truthful woman . . . . . .


Never met one of those yet :biglaugh:


Sadly i am at a 40th that night, even more sader is that it is not mine :nah:

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Now i'm confused even more, i was convinced you were my wife until you said you were a truthful woman . . . . . .


Never met one of those yet


Perhaps I was lying! :biggrin:


As for your second, waaay more contentious remark*, maybe you should get out more:tongue:!


:wubclub: LC


* like living dangerously hey?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Brummie Stew
If you want a laugh you can try and understand me I'm a true Scotsman lol:biglaugh:


See you there, other Scots attend..so drag some more mates along.

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Guest Brummie Stew

OK gang, time to shake off the winter weather with a fun filled night out down at Glenelg.


The flyer attached will give you all the information you need know to have a great night out on Saturday 21 July.

So before the Olympic Games start, and the great British people put the ping back into pong.! get out of the house and have some fun with us.....

It doesn't matter if you are a new arrival or been here a while, we welcome all.

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Guest Brummie Stew

Birmingham and Midland Group, next function will be held at The Jetty Hotel, Glenelg. On Saturday 21 July from 7.30 til late, enter the Hotel via Elizabeth Street and meet us in the Birmingham & Midland Bar.


As Adelaide’s only UK expats based group we welcome all, so if you have been here a long time or are a new arrival, come and have a good time. All kids are welcome.



Background on the Birmingham & Midland Group The Birmingham & Midland Group was established in 2006, this small group afternoon picnic, soon grew with other functions in various location around Adelaide into what has be come quite a large number of people. The word of BMG soon spread, with requests to attend our functions coming from wide and far, it wasn't long before local and U.K. radio stations were requesting interviews. It was soon realised that the individuals and families attending arrived in Adelaide at various times some back in the late 50's and others within a day or two of before attending their first function.


The purpose and philosophy of the Birmingham & Midlands Group Firstly it is to have a laugh with memories and stories over drinks and/or food with fellow migrants whether they be old or new arrivals, however what has become a vital and most important role for the group is that at times we serve as a first point of contact to new arrivals helping them put down their roots and giving support at this very stressful time, as we all know.


I should mention and make it clear that by name, The Birmingham and the Midlands Group does attract a large number people from these area's, however the last thing we would want is to become exclusive and this is why, this is an open invitation to all.



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Sorry for the short notice but there is a Birmingham and Midlands Reunion at the Jetty Bar, Jetty Road, Glenelg tomorrow night, Saturday 21st July at 7.30pm in the back room. These get together's have been going on many years and are really good. I emigrated 2 years ago and have been to everyone, it's a great night for all ages.

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