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House Under Offer! Visa Delays?

Guest carters

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Guest carters



We had an offer on our house on Friday and they did the survey yesterday! They are in a hurry and want to complete very quickly! Great news! But I have read on a post that our visas are taking 6 to 9 months now, is this correct?


I have also read that the sa government are only taking sponsership forms up until 27th July so that there is enough time to process all these visas before 31st august. So the visa applications might be rushed through (wishful thinking!).


Our agency is not big on giving us news, the only contact is usually prompted by us, so if any of you folk have any idea re the 6-9 months let me know! If we have to wait this long our plans will have to change as we were hoping to get to aus feb next years.



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Guest ralph n bev

Great news Nikki,


If i was you I'd go with it , if the offer is what you wanted , take it!!

You could live with family or rent somewhere , even if they desporatley want the house yesterday , it is still going to take at least a couple of months to get it all finalised.


Can you honestly say there will be no probs with the police checks? Are you all fit and healthy to the best of your knowledge?

Do it, put the money in a high interest but easy enough access account, ask your bank.

But theres only you that can make the decision, think about the way the property markets going at the moment.


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Guest carters

Hi bev,


Thanks for your reply, yes we are all fit and healthy and our police checks will be ok, (husband is police checked for his job and I am mary poppins in disguise!).


We will go for it, the offer is bit less than we wanted but still ok and the chain ends at their buyer, they might even have our dog, so will save us re-homing.



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Hey Nikki.


We're in exactly the same boat, albeit further down the line. We accepted an offer that was a bit lower than we wanted but our buyers are 1st timers with an agreed mortgage who really like our house.


As Bev has pointed out, the housing market is starting to slow down, at least where we are, so any reasonable offer is far better than no offer at all, especially if you need the cash for the move (or the govt. bond), as we do.


I've not heard anything about Visas due to take 6-9 months but the thought of it being finalised by 31/08 is great!! Wishful thinking maybe, but great all the same...


The best of luck!



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