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work history?

Guest mOZzy

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Guest mOZzy

hey guys, just a question - maybe someone knows the answer.


for the visa i need to prove my english knowledge. and i can either do this ielts test OR prove that i've worked for 2 years at least in an english speaking country.


i've been working on and off (agencies and temping) here in the uk - easily 2 years in total


so does anyone know if i can get an employment history somewhere??????? and if yes: where?



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Guest NikNrich

Hi Mozzy,

What trade are you?

I can only tell you what my agent (Destination Oz) told me about this issue;

I had to get detailed references from all my employers, that covered all work undertaken, tasks, responsibilities and hours worked etc AND a personal Statement of Service that detailed everything on the references( and covers all the dates of employment etc), if you can`t get the references then you have to explain why!!!!!

As for the english tests, i was told that all qualifications above `O` level , whether trade or not can be used as english competancy proof. This I assume is based on the fact that you have to have a good level of english understanding in order to sit and pass these qualifications!!


Hope this helps(if only a little!)




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Guest mOZzy

Thanks Rich for your great help!

but i think i didn't make myself clear ...


english is not my 1st language (i moved to the uk 6 yrs ago)

and i am only 'a spouse' - the main applicant is english and there is no problem.

still as a spouse i do have to prove sufficient english or i'll have to pay alot to get on an english course once in oz (that has to be afront!!)


so i can avoid it i have to either sit an ielts exam here or i can prove that i worked for 2 years in an english speaking country; eg uk - which i have. but i don't have all the documents to prove it any more.


hence my question before ....


hope this makes it clearer!

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Guest soggy
Thanks Rich for your great help!

but i think i didn't make myself clear ...


english is not my 1st language (i moved to the uk 6 yrs ago)

and i am only 'a spouse' - the main applicant is english and there is no problem.

still as a spouse i do have to prove sufficient english or i'll have to pay alot to get on an english course once in oz (that has to be afront!!)


so i can avoid it i have to either sit an ielts exam here or i can prove that i worked for 2 years in an english speaking country; eg uk - which i have. but i don't have all the documents to prove it any more.


hence my question before ....


hope this makes it clearer!


hi, my wife is not an native English speaker and has not done the ielts as she thinks she wont pass all 4 parts ( speaking part wont be a problem, so much practice) she has decided to pay the money about £1200 I think. Is it your agent who mentioned the 2 years work experience being and alternative as I have not seen this mentioned in any of my reserch, I thought it was ielts or pay the money. ielts only costs about £90 but Aijie did not want application held up.



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Guest dglamoore

You can contact the tax office for a copy of your National Insurance contributions which will show the dates and employers you worked for in the UK. We had to get one for Gregs TRA to prove employment at companies that had closed :)



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Guest mOZzy

lisa that's exactly what i did in the end. it's just finding the right person to talk to!!! i've spent almost all day on the phone to do that and woheyyy, apparently i'll get it send.


Simon: i've got a copy re 'evidence of english language ability' - looks like from the immi site. it's a table that shows what you have to have to prove competent, vocational or functional english. - and if she doesn't mind the title 'functional english' (better than having to do the test or paying that huge amount - and we don't need any further points - so that'll do us!) - then there is one exemption 'applicant has worked in an english speaking country for 2 years or more'



i hope this helps!

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Guest Django
i've spent almost all day on the phone to do that


If yous could talk the lingo, propper like what I do. You it woulda only taken a cuppla minutes innit:rolleyes::P


Glad you got there in the end Susi. :D Like I told you on MSN you do english better than us natives.;)



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Guest mOZzy

well I (!) know that - now tell the visa guys :rolleyes: (:P)



and next time i will gave you that nummber and hope to you call they and sort it for I - cheers !

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