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What a Dilemma!!

Guest Missbabz

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Guest Missbabz

We have a 12month old Bichon Frise puppy and we are in a dilemma wether to take him to Oz or not. We would be heart broken if we didn't take him, but are worried about the long flight and 1 month in quarantine.


Could anyone who has transported their pets to Oz enlighten us with their experience of the whole process. . How did you find them once returned from quarantine? Were they traumatised at all by the whole experience?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


From a worried Babz & Kevin :unsure::confused:

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Guest Missbabz

Thanks for the quick reply. What have you heard about airpets? Do you think it will be a problem for your westies? I believe that there is currently a waiting list at the Melbourne quarantine centre, is that where you are intending to place your pets when they get to Oz? I have contacted the centre to try and find out but have yet to recive a reply.


Babz and Kevin

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we are in a dilemma wether to take him to Oz or not.


Just something that struck me reading your post. When did the idea of going 'down under' begin to be serious? Was it not a consideration when buying the pup as he is only 12month old, or did he arrive just before the move was considered? (I have these moments:biglaugh:) Therefore you have answered your own question.;)


Anyway, he is a young 'un so he should be fine with the flight and the quarantine. The way I look at it is he will com out of quarantine just after your container arrives so he will be right at home biting the arm off of a familiar armchair. :biglaugh::biglaugh:


There was an article in January's Australia and New Zealand magazine (issue no. 21) covering this very thing.


Good luck



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Guest cornish Busdriver


We know about Melbourn and Perth quantine centers and having to book them in 3 to 5 months in advance be cause of the waiting list so we are using Sydney as you can book pets in there in only a couple of weeks notice.

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Guest Globetrotter

We brought our 2 beaded collies over 4 months ago - they are 4 & 5. I felt really guilty about the long flight and quarantine, but we couldn't come over without them. We visited them the day after we arrived and they were glad to see us, but no ill affects and seemed v happy. The staff at Melbourne quarantine were excellent and cared for them well, they don't get that much exercise though so are full of energy when you collect them !! Now when I see them both on the beach and loving being in the sea I know it was definitely the right decision.

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Guest Missbabz

Hi Pete


We brought Ozzie into our home in February last year and Kevin was offered a job end of July, so already he was a part of our family.


We do know it willbe difficult but with replies we have had we feel a little better about the whole situation and will be taking him with us. Doesn't stop us worrying but will worry even more if we leave him behind.


Will definately get the Australia and New Zealand paper to read the article you mention.


thanks for your advice

Babz & Kevin


Just something that struck me reading your post. When did the idea of going 'down under' begin to be serious? Was it not a consideration when buying the pup as he is only 12month old, or did he arrive just before the move was considered? (I have these moments:biglaugh:) Therefore you have answered your own question.;)


Anyway, he is a young 'un so he should be fine with the flight and the quarantine. The way I look at it is he will com out of quarantine just after your container arrives so he will be right at home biting the arm off of a familiar armchair. :biglaugh::biglaugh:


There was an article in January's Australia and New Zealand magazine (issue no. 21) covering this very thing.


Good luck



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Guest Missbabz



Must admit hadn't considered Sydney as an option. Good to know that the waiting list at thiscentre is alot shorter. Still waiting to hear how long the waiting list is from Melbourne.

Thanks for that.


Babz & Kevin



quote=cornish Busdriver;22412]Hiya.

We know about Melbourn and Perth quantine centers and having to book them in 3 to 5 months in advance be cause of the waiting list so we are using Sydney as you can book pets in there in only a couple of weeks notice.

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Guest Missbabz
We brought our 2 beaded collies over 4 months ago - they are 4 & 5. I felt really guilty about the long flight and quarantine, but we couldn't come over without them. We visited them the day after we arrived and they were glad to see us, but no ill affects and seemed v happy. The staff at Melbourne quarantine were excellent and cared for them well, they don't get that much exercise though so are full of energy when you collect them !! Now when I see them both on the beach and loving being in the sea I know it was definitely the right decision.



Hi globetrotter


Thanks for that, you have certainly put our minds at rest. Good to hear you were impressed with Melbourne quarantine centre. We will worry about our dog, but like you said, must be worth it to see how happy they are now.


Thanks again, might see you on the beach then!!!


Babz & Kevin

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