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sun screen

Guest jeannie oxford

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Guest jeannie oxford



i know everyone is keen on sun protection in australia - so does that mean that sun screen is cheaper there than here in uk?! ive bought a couple of bottles - (factor 30) to last us 3 weeks. will that be enough for 3 of us? should i bring more with us or not!


also, are we likely to need mosquito spray? ( we tend to get savaged by the little darlings on holiday). again, is that cheaper/easy enough to get in adelaide - or should we bring it with us? im trying (struggling)to keep to our 20kg allowance for the flight!


we are staying in huntfield heights - if that makes any difference to where all the mozzys hang out!


thank you kindly



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Guest sarahsmartiepants

I dont think it is cheaper here, but factor 30 is more effective. I have been told by a pharmasist that factor 30 is in fact higher, but they cant put 40 or 50 on it as people would be less likely to reapply it if they thought it was higher:wacko:.


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I agree with Sarah, it's not that much cheaper here but you can buy it in larger quantities. I buy a litre at a time from Woolworths, it's their own brand but just as effective as any of the more expensive ones. If you're trying to keep the weight down, consider leaving larger toiletries at home and buy them when you get here. You will almost certainly need your mozzie spray! Try to avoid being outside at dusk as this is their peak meal time!

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Guest Rob and Clare

After a quick holiday back to the UK we bought a few bottles of Nivea spray from Wilkinsons, it was so much cheaper than here, or we just haven't found a decent place to buy it yet. But it's not really that expensive anyway and if it saves some weight then just get it here.


Also have you tried to call your airline and see if they will increase the weight allowance. We weren't officially allowed extra bagage as I was a returning citizen (after 15 years) and Rob was a spouse. And after a quick call to singapore airlines they increased the bagage allowance by 5kg in the hold, and 2kg carry on.


Never hurts to ask and plead your case.

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Guest Guzzler&Sas


we are staying in huntfield heights - if that makes any difference to where all the mozzys hang out!


thank you kindly





We don't get mozzys in Huntfield Heights, the spiders see to that:err:



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Guest jeannie oxford

thank you for all your advice, its a great help. cant believe im thinking about sunscreen. just took jake to school in my wellies + raincoat (over my pj's as its a bit early - i was in the car!). massive thunderstorm @ present -wagons bein blown over + snow on the way !! whinge, whinge


regards jeannie

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After a quick holiday back to the UK we bought a few bottles of Nivea spray from Wilkinsons, it was so much cheaper than here, or we just haven't found a decent place to buy it yet. But it's not really that expensive anyway and if it saves some weight then just get it here.


Also have you tried to call your airline and see if they will increase the weight allowance. We weren't officially allowed extra bagage as I was a returning citizen (after 15 years) and Rob was a spouse. And after a quick call to singapore airlines they increased the bagage allowance by 5kg in the hold, and 2kg carry on.


Never hurts to ask and plead your case.


Wow that's great to know about the airlines. Very few of them these days will up your weight limit for immigration unfortunately.

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Guest Rob and Clare
Wow that's great to know about the airlines. Very few of them these days will up your weight limit for immigration unfortunately.

Didn't realise they had changed that much, it's only been a couple of years. I think it's always worth asking the question, because you can't lose the allowance you have, so there's nothing to lose...


I even told a little white lie once and said it was our anniversary and we got champagne, cake and upgraded for flight singapore to brisbane.

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