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Guest weesp

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I am trying to have a massive clearout before we come to Adelaide and have come across Jordan's Halloween costumes and decorations for our house, do you celebrate this in Oz or should I give it to charity? Any advice would be grateful. Thanks



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Guest salisbury massive

Must be Hallett Cove Sarah, because we've never had a Halloween visitor here in the North East.


its certainly not as big here as the Uk but I know some Aussie mums let their kids go to a few houses in their street. Luckily mine are not interested.



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I love halloween, I go out dressed up with my kids, we were the cavemen family last time, it's great fun and get a few giggles too.......especially if we are back at home and I answer the door to the other kids, I don't think they know quite what to do......whether to ask me for something or give me my treats.


We will be giving it a go when we come over, keep the sense of fun going for the kids, they are a long time grown up!!!!!

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Guest debbieuk



we love halloween (not so much trick or treat) and always have a fancy dress party:jimlad:


i will be taking all my stuff and you may all get an invite to our halloween barbie!



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