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We are hoping to move to Adelaide Jan 2009 however not quite sure exactly where yet. Does anyone know if the job opportunities for carpenters (my husband being one) varies much depending on which part of Adelaide you are? I've heard that northern Adelaide is more industrial so does that follow that he is more likely to find work here, or not necessarily? We are hoping to live somewhere semi-rural with good local schooling but obviously want to tie it in with good job opps too.


Does anyone else who's in the process of making the move feel like they are stabbing in the dark too??? We've done lots of research but still struggling with the 'which suburb' issue.


Any thoughts greatfully received!!



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Thanks for that Chippie 74!


Is there much of a difference between the chippying work in England compared to Oz? My husbands been self-employed for the last 20 years but I guess he'll probably have to go employed? I've also heard that we're to expect a drop in salary. Not too much I hope as we're a family of 5 and although we don't expect to live anywhere grand we still want to be afford somewhere nice. I know it's all down to personal choice but do you have any pointers for desireable areas?






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