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moving to australia

Guest covfan

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looking to move to australia in the near future and after doing some research we like the look of adelaide i am a mig welder my wife is a hairdresser, what we would like to no is there much work available for our skills in this area,and what is the best way to start our visa application is it best to go with an agent if so recommendations of agents would be helpful or is it better to do it ourselfs also what would be the time scale of start to completion of a visa,such a long haul ahead all help would be grateful thanks

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welcome to PIA,

We went with an agent so would recommend it, Some go it alone and do very well.

Not sure about welding but would think it is. Hairdressing last i knew was on the high demand list.

Suggest looking on www.AdelaideBound.com and all the links for migration

Time scales depends but suggest looking at peoples time lines below posts to give you some idea.

Also take a look at the SA immigration web site www.immigration.sa.gov.au.

good luck

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Going with an agent or not really depends (my opinion) on how complex the skill assessment is. The actual visa application is fairly comprehensive. We didn't use an agent but then Tracey is a nurse and the skill assessment is just submitting training docs and work history.

I would advise speaking to an agent and getting a free consultation and decide whether an agent is needed.



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