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Help with work experience

Guest craig_lisa

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Guest craig_lisa

Hi all


I was wondering if anyone could tell me about how much work experience is required for an idependant skilled visa. I know that it is 3 out of the last 4 years but was wondering how many hours this requires. I have found something before on the australian government webite about experience for the last 2 years work experience. To qualify for that you have to do 900 hours work in your trade. I cannot find this web page any more and cannot find how many hours 3 out of the last 4 years requires!!


Hope you can help



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Guest craig_lisa



I have found out that it is based on a minimum 20 hour week (I think) but was wondering whether you could add 3 years worth of 20 hours a week together which would require 3120 hours work. Would I be able to use this number of hours work within less time than 3 years to count?



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Guest mingmen

i can tell you that the best people to talk to are the people at the immigration in adelaide, yuo can call them and they will give you a very good reply to any question about your application proces. I have done this on a few occasions, they are really helpful. I actually asked the same question your asking and what they told me is that it has to be aminimum of 20 hours for two years ( it could be 3, but please check, i know i was ok as i have been working like that for 3 years in my listed profession ) in total, thats all. This is for the 475 route. im actually waiting to hear from them this month to see if they will sponser me...:SLEEP:

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