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TRA - hints & tips

Guest addison

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Guest addison

Hi all.


We are about to start our application process and are going it alone!!!


So to all of you already taken this step... :notworthy:


Can anyone offer any hints and tips for the TRA, other than include loads of detail.

What sort of format should it be in, is there a limit on number of pages etc etc.


Thanks everyone

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Hi there


My OH is a plumber too. We went with an agent for the entire process to make things easier. But with regards to the TRA, describe everything like you are telling a child. Kelvin had to descibe each year of his aprenticeship and then get the old employer to sign it. Unfortunetely he said he couldnt remember that far back and would only say that he was employed back then and was a good employee etc. We then had to draft eveything up re the apprenticeship and get i signed by a solcitor.


Our Agent supplied dummy letters and we tweaked them to suit regarding work history. But she gave us the bones and we put the meat on so to speak. I don't think we would of passed without her. We supplied photos as well of Kelvin working doing various things.


Any more info pm if I can help I will


Kimberley x

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There is no limit to page amount as long as the information is all relevant. We detailed everything from starting a job to finishing a job, what paper work, tools, instruments....everything. I had no qualifications and started off going through my entire work day in a list, slowely building up to paragraphs for each and every action, even i didnt realise what i actually did in a day!!! I also, was not allowed to mention machines makes, but only the style/type of machine.


As was said by Kim above, its like training a kid, who has never seen it done before!!!


We also included photos of me carrying out some of the actions involved.....!!!


The layout of my statements for each job was paragraph explaining a general day from, then a bullet point list of the task/jobs, each with a further paragraph elaborating about that bullet.


The statements i sent were 5 pages long and 3 pages long...along with photos and some examples or work i had done, signed by the boss!


Good Luck!


Dan and Steph

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Guest craig_lisa

Hi all


I was wondering if you could tell me if photographs of you working have to be given because the industry I work in prohibits cameras as it is a highly explosive atmosphere?





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Hi all,


We're currently doing our VETASSES at the moment - we're using an agent, but we've had to get a lengthy statement/reference from OH's employer stating exactly what jobs he does - describing them in detail and what tools he uses and how he uses them! Have had to supply photos of him at work too. We've also had to supply all original documentation for his qualifications.


We've gone with the idea that if we give them loads of stuff then at least thats better than not enough and to get it over and done with quickly rather than having the agent to keep coming back and asking for more stuff!


Hope this helps.



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Guest suejohndan



We passed our TRA last year and had our visa granted in January.

My Husband is a plumber / gas fitter and we still have a copy of the TRA we submitted if you would like to pm us we will e-mail you a copy.


Good Luck

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Hi all


I was wondering if you could tell me if photographs of you working have to be given because the industry I work in prohibits cameras as it is a highly explosive atmosphere?







I did not include any photo's in my TRA application and passed. Plumbers are now assessed by vetassess in the uk.


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