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What's with the flies???!!!

Tamara (Homes Down Under)

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Summer seems to have finally arrived (just the other day I was moaning about winter) with temperatures of 34 degrees today.

The downside is the number of flies that have appeared.


What is it with Australian flies?

When we arrived 5 years ago we thought OMG...the summer season was marked by loads of flies. Then for 4 years...not too bad.

I thing that this year is going to be a bad fly year!!!


What they don't tell you in the migration blurb is just how persistent Australian flies are. British flies...slight nuisance, land on your food, wipe their feet and move on.

We spent a long time in Africa and despite the images of African children with their faces covered with flies...the African flies would much rather land on your food, wipe their feet and move on.


In Australia...one fly can harrass you for an hour! It goes in your ear, in your eye, up your nose and often in your mouth! It never gives up and ignores your food as your face is much more fun!

Why is this? Where do they come from? What's their cycle...and what's your remedy to keep them at bay?


Does anyone know someone who hasn't eaten a fly???






For all new arrivals you will soon learn the "Aussie wave". This involves a frantic wafting of hands around the head.

Our windows and doors are fitted with fly screens for a reason!


There's always the iconic Aussie cork hat!




Enjoy your summer!



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Is that where all the flies have gone!:wink:.....I can't see any city-side...must be a southerner type thing....there are no flies on me......you guys get all the good stuff...do they taste good?:biglaugh:


Of course where there are flies, there are spiders......they eat the flies don't they.....:wink:

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Not just a southern thing - we've been noticing quite a few here in Rostrevor, although mostly around the areas with lots of trees and stuff. Not as bad as I have seen them before, but we are definitely noticing a few.


And what is it with them not moving when you wave at them. I actually nudged one this morning and it just sat there and ignored me. The spiders are as bad - rather than running away when go you near them they just sit there really still in the hope that if they don't move you win't be able to see them. Makes it really easy to get them with the insect killer spray though.

Edited by NicF
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And definitely over here on Henley Beach - oh my word what I wouldn't have done for a hat with corks on the other evening when we were trying to have a picnic on the beach - a great big beach umbrella with corks on might have been more suitable. And again today, although they werent' quite as persistent when I smelt someone elses cigarette smoke I did think "oh please move closer" keep those flies away!

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Lol!! Tamara you have completey summed up exactly what I've been thinking!! Thought it was just me....but yes..we came five years and really struggled with the amount of flies...then as you said..nothing for the last 4 year's...but walking down the beach the other day I really noticed them and I had that one annoying one that wouldn't leave me alone!


Looks like its gonna be a hot summer this year...and I for one am gonna buy myself one if those hats which has the netting around the face....!!!







Sarah x

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Then I'm not the only one. These past two weeks I've probably walked a great 200 KM's around the city and the only thing that's been bugging me is the odd fly that seems to follow you for a couple of blocks. I thought that people waiting behind the red lights might think I've lost it with all the hand gestures around my face and head:biglaugh:

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