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Bush fire in SA?


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Apparently the last 2 years have had higher than average rainfall, so there is a lot of vegetation and undergrowth. However, the past few months have been very dry, so the conditions are ripe for bush fires this summer. The current fires are a long way away, on the Eyre peninsular, but bush fires are also a risk closer to Adelaide (in the Adelaide Hills and foothills for instance). Some of the newer residential areas such as Craigburn Farm could be at risk too, as there is only one road in and out. Fires can start anywhere for a number of reasons - a discarded cigarette, lightning strike, or quite commonly by fire bugs, idiots who get a kick out of lighting fires.


By the way, you would have to be driving pretty damn quick to get to Port Lincoln in 3 hours!

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Guest Guest5035
This is a good site to save as one of your favourites http://www.cfs.sa.gov.au/site/news_media/current_incidents.jsp


The big one at the moment is out near Port Lincoln, which is about 3 hours drive away - SA is a very big place!


Apparently the last 2 years have had higher than average rainfall, so there is a lot of vegetation and undergrowth. However, the past few months have been very dry, so the conditions are ripe for bush fires this summer. The current fires are a long way away, on the Eyre peninsular, but bush fires are also a risk closer to Adelaide (in the Adelaide Hills and foothills for instance). Some of the newer residential areas such as Craigburn Farm could be at risk too, as there is only one road in and out. Fires can start anywhere for a number of reasons - a discarded cigarette, lightning strike, or quite commonly by fire bugs, idiots who get a kick out of lighting fires.


By the way, you would have to be driving pretty damn quick to get to Port Lincoln in 3 hours!


Yes, the last time we went to Port Lincoln it took more than three hours - a lot longer.




Give Diane a bit of slack....she's a mod..:jiggy:



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