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Best job websites?

Guest guest8040

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Guest guest8040

We're in the final six months until we arrive in Adelaide and we really want to look at the range of jobs that may be available for us, not to apply to but to get an idea of salaries, qualifications, terminology we may not be familiar with etc. At the moment we're relying solely on seek for this information but there must be others we could use? I work in middle management for a charity here in the UK and have a degree in psychology, my husband has a sales background (travel, Audio-Visual, retail) and has also done face to face fundraising and is a qualified youth worker - so a right mixed bag we are! Any pointers would be great, also any suitable agencies we may want to look at. We're grafters (from north east England) and therefore not work shy or unhappy to start at the bottom and work our way up. Thanks in advance!

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Guest guest8040

Ooo and info about salaries too! I've no idea what is comparable. At the moment I earn £30k in the UK, which is comfortable for where we live in the NE, obviously not wanting to just convert that in terms of currency but was wondering what would be a similar salary? Might be an impossible question to answer......

So alternatively I might ask what would a basic salary be? I'm assuming there is a minimum wage? Thank you!

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Guest guest8040

Thanks Elaine will take a look at that site tonight, that's great.

Re psychology, I graduated 16 years ago and haven't really used my degree on a practical level so it will probably be redundant now and I think 2 babies have wiped any academic knowledge I retained!

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I have a degree in psych too - but don't we usually keep that quiet?! I am running free workshops on online job search in Southern Adelaide 21 and 27 Nov but as you won't be here then try alljobs.com.au seek.com.au and careerone.com.au

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Guest guest8040

Yeah know what you mean hehe! Thanks for the tips, I've done volunteering brokerage for 15 years helping people move into meaningful voluntary placements many of whom are quite removed from the labour market for many reasons. I've considered a move into HR or recruitment for 'paid' work. Just going off your username is that what you do?

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