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to do list prior to emigrating

Him again

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Dear Folks,


Some time ago I came across a list on what I think was immigration SA , which was basicly a list of what to do in a chronological order prior to and after the big move.


We have accepted an offer on the house and the solicitors are suddenly talking very seriously, this makes the move suddenly very real.


Therefore we could do with this list as we potentially could arrive in Adelaide in the first half of February, which is only about 8 weeks away not that we are stressing or anything like that, but we are feeling a sense of hyper awareness.:confused:


Any suggestion where we can find this list would be helpful.

Edited by Him again
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[TABLE=class: yiv1583505097]


[TD]Can't find the original link but i copied this from a post sometime ago (thank you Helene :notworthy:)




12 months to go

*Make sure you have at least 2 years left on your passports.

* Dig out all your personal paperwork, including birth, adoption and marriage certificates, employment refeences, driving licences and qualifications.

* Update your CV to make it suitable for the Oz/Kiwi market place.

* Get your finances in order, consolidate bank accounts and reduce debts.

* Talk to your children’s schools about your plans and ask them to prepare hand-over files


6 months to go

* Get quotes from removals companies and flights and get them booked.

* Sell any unwanted items of furniture and clear out cupboards.

* Clean and paint any garden tools and furniture you plan to take. Items with soil on will be denied entry at customs.

* Ensure you get your P45.

* Ask your doctor, dentist, optician for your hand-over files.

* Open an Oz/Kiwi bank account

* Set up a trading account with a currency broker.

* Request credit references from your bank, building society or any other lending agent. * Identify temporary accommodation in case your house sells sooner than expected and you have to move out.

* Contact the Inland Revenue. * If you are on PAYE and are leaving before the end of a tax year, it’s likely you’ll have overpaid tax. This is because the earlier in the tax year you leave, the less your tax-free allowance will have been factored in by your PAYE payments. Claim a refund of the overpayment. Also contact National Insurance. You can choose to keep making payments if you wish to.


2 months to go

* Inform the DVLC of your move – perhaps give them a relative’s address to write to. Hold onto your British driving licence. You’ll need it until you get a new driving licence at your destination. (If you move overseas, the DVLC will not update the address on your licence to an overseas location.)

* Track down temporary accommodation in Oz.

* Register children in new schools.

* Organise all birthday cards and presents for the next 3 months.

* Request up to date statements on any endowments, pensions and investments. * Confirm the removal firm are booked

1 month to go


*Give your change of address to your bank, passport office, DVLA, pension company, inland revenue, insurance brokers and accountants. *Bring council tax and utilities up to date and cancel accounts for TV, internet, phone and insurance.

*Go to a car boot sale to sell any items you don't want to take with you, or donate them to a charity shop.

*Arrange all your post to be redirected to a friend or relative.

*Transfer funds to Oz.

*Start packing non-essential items.*Collect all hand-over files from doctor, dentist, optician, schools etc.

*Arrange some private health cover for Oz/NZ if required.

*Pay off any outstanding debts.

*Close any surplus bank accounts and destroy unwanted cards.

*Shred any personal records you are not taking and dispose of.

*Ensure all your relevant paperwork is in a handy travel file.

*Cancel any redundant direct debits or standing orders.

*Ask for a copy of your No Claims Bonus from your insurance company.

*Contact your car insurer – tell them you’re moving and ask for written confirmation of your no claims bonus because this will often be accepted overseas, enabling you to get cheaper insurance after you’ve moved. *Cancel remaining time on your car insurance for a refund.

*Contact your life insurance company. You’ll probably want to continue payments so it’s important they know your new address.

*Have your mail redirected. You can have it redirected to an overseas address – if you have one arranged. Alternatively, have your mail redirected to someone in the UK who can then forward it to you

*Arrange for gas, electric, telephone, satellite, internet provision etc to be disconnected. *Do make sure you pay all your bills before you leave.

*Debt collection agencies operate worldwide. The last thing you need is for your credit record to be spoiled and debt collectors chasing you in your new country.

*Cancel child benefit.


1 week to go

Cancel satellite TV subscriptions.

Sell your car, bike, van or any other transport you wont be needing.

Cancel car insurance.

Buy some currency for each destination on route to Oz

On Arrival

Pick up a copy of "On Arrival" magazine at the airport; it contains lots of ideas, information and helpful websites.

Collect your hire car and check into your accommodation.

Contact people back home to let them know you have arrival safely.

Try not to sleep through the day.

Set up a Pay-as-you-Go mobile phone to start your off - you can buy a cheap SIM card and use it in your UK phone

Find your nearest internet cafe for property and area research.

Take a few days to get over the journey and explore the area

1 Week later

Get a tax file number (TFN) for Oz or an IRD number for New Zealand. Explore the area or suburb you think you would like to live in and ask the locals as many questions as possible.

Meet with rental agents and start reviewing some accommodation property options.

Find a solicitor to help with rental or purchase contracts.

Consider buying a car sooner rather than later. Used cars are cheap if you don't yet qualify for credit.

Get car insurance.

Register at a local school

Get a landline installed and set up internet access.

Invite your neighbours around for drinks and focus on making new friends for you and your children.


1 Month later

Review your financial position and transfer more funds if required.

Set up standing orders for utilities.

Register for your local doctor and dentist, and for Medicare (Oz).

Meet with mortgage brokers to understand your borrowing capacity.

Visit your children's schools to ensure that they have settled in ok.

Identify a reliable plumber, electrician and mechanic in your area.

Consider re-writing your will.

Start to attend social functions or join a sports club.

Establish a routine and settle into your new life!










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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you notified the following of yourchange in address?

� The Post Office, for mail redirection?

� Your financial institutions to transfer or close your accounts?

� The electoral registrar?

� The taxation department?

� Your leasing company?

� Your insurance company to transfer or terminate your household insurance?

� Your life insurance company?

� Your car insurance company?

� Your health insurance fund?

� The school principal and received a letter regarding the status of yourchildren in school?

� Stores where you have charge accounts?

� Relatives, friends, and regular correspondents?

� Club memberships?

� Publications you subscribe to?

� Your doctor and dentist to obtain copies of your medical records?

� Your lawyer?

� Your place of worship?


Have you discontinued these services?

� Gas?

� Water?

� Electricity?

� Telephone/Cable TV?

� Newspaper/Publication delivery?


Have you also

� Defrosted your refrigerator/freezer and drained all water hoses?

� Disconnected your washing machine and drained water?

� Checked with manufacturer to ensure all major appliances are correctlyprepared for moving?

� Emptied all gas cylinders?

� Arranged for Electricity or Gas Companies to disconnect any fittings from thesupply?

� Put aside bits and pieces you don't want to take?

� Returned books, videos, etc.?

� Removed Fixtures and fittings from walls?

� Put important items such as passports and tickets into your personal luggageso they are not accidentally packed?

� Arranged for someone to look after your children during the packing process?This can be a stressful time for them.

� Washed thoroughly any items that may be of interest toQuarantine/Agriculture, i.e. mowers, garden tools, golf equipment, bicycles,etc.


Dangerous Goods

The following articles are classified as "DANGEROUS" and cannot bestored or transported:

� Ammunition

� New or partially used cans of paint

� Linseed oil

� Bleach products

� Gas cylinders (unless emptied)

� Turpentine

� Kerosene

� Petrol

� Cleaning fluids

� Aerosols of any kind

� Vegetable oils

� Chemical sets, etc


A few don'ts

� Don't fail to advise of any high value items i.e. antiques, furs, orpaintings within your household goods. For insurance purposes, a separatevalued list is requested.

� Don't put breakables in drawers

� Don't put liquid in drawers (sauce bottles, perfumes etc.)

� Don't overload furniture

� Don't store perishable foods such as cereals, flours etc.

� Don't polish your furniture prior to your move

� Don't store or transport jewelry, money, legal documents, taxation papers,insurance policies or other documents/high value articles. You should keepthese items with you.

� Don't forget to tell us EVERYTHING you want moved. It's your responsibility to check before the vehicle(s) depart.


Now, one last look around

� Anything left behind? The attic, garden, garage, basement?

� No clothes at the drycleaners, shoes at shoe repair shops, sporting goods inlockers at clubs/schools?

� Water heater turned off?

� Main power turned off?

� Gas taps turned off?

� Windows and doors locked?

� Old house keys surrendered?


Purchase currency on forward contract

Pay 10% deposit on forward contract

Close credit cards but one on-line access one

Close bank and savings accounts except joint one

Close Kids PO accounts

Visit specialist International Financial Advisor

Receive report of recommendations from FA

Action recommendations

Agree balance to be left in UK account

Set up Australian bank account

Make initial contact with Australian IFA and book appointment

Organising 'bridging life cover' as stop gap until get to Oz

Pay remaining 90% on forward contract

Send P85 to Inland Revenue to get tax rebate (must have P45)

Buy some Australian cash for first few days until 'unlock' Oz bank acct



Obtain three quotes for removals

Declutter all rooms, loft, sheds, etc.

Pass items to friends who need/want them

E-bay items

Charity shop and tip the rest

Agree luggage contents

Set up contract with choosen company

Pay for removals & insurance

Hand completed customs form to packers on the day

Clean, inspection and hand back keys (we were living in rented accm for thelast year)




Get quotes for flights

Agree flight date and carrier

Book Flights

Buy additional luggage

Trial pack and weigh

Pack luggage

Book travel insurance




Notify agent of date we are moving out

Request reference from agent

Speak to landlord re: leaving items behind

Notify council re: council tax

Notify Water Board

Notify Gas company

Notify Electric company

Notify BT

Notify ISP

Notiofy TV license people

Notify Gym

Notify Kids nursery/school

Take final meter readings

Book window cleaner

Arrange final inspection with agent



Retrieve medical histories from Doctors

Retrieve vaccination histories for kids

Notify doctors of leaving

Book last dental appointment

Notify dentist of moving



Notify Car insurance

Notify RAC

Obtain friends and families e-mail addresses

Inform professional bodies

Inform magazine subscriptions

Arrange re-direction of mail to mother-in-laws



Book venue for local knees up

Design invitations

Post/e-mail invites

Book bouncy castle / toys ofr kids

Buy food

Get people to sign our 'messages' book to remember it all by!

Eight weeks before the move


Decide whether you will use a professional mover or move everything yourself.

Set the date for your move. Consider timing your move to coincide with'off-peak' moving periods. Generally Mondays, Fridays and first and last daysof each month are the busiest times for professional movers and truck rental.

If using a mover, obtain estimates from at least three professional movingcompanies as well as recommendations from friends before making your selection.

If moving yourself, obtain estimates for the hire of removal trucks, etc. Makea booking to hire your selected vehicle/s for the moving day/s.

Sketch a floor plan of your new home. Photocopy this plan and then draft ontoit the layout for your furniture. Will everything fit? Perhaps some furnituremay need to be sold or given away.

Start using up food from your freezer to save it spoiling during the move.

Clean out clutter. Perhaps hold a garage sale or donate items to charity.

Start developing a list of all the people who will need to learn of your newaddress. As mail is received, check that the sender is on your list of peopleto inform. This will include friends, relatives, banks, any subscriptions orcatalogues, etc.



Six weeks before the move


Discuss the moving details with your mover, including all costs and insurancecover. When you are completely satisfied with the details, book the mover forthe day of the move. Also collect as many packing boxes as the moving companyis willing to provide.

If you are moving yourself, start collecting boxes. You could gather used boxesfrom supermarkets or friends but make sure these can withstand the rigours ofmoving. Alternatively buy or hire sturdy moving boxes from professional movingcompanies.

Develop an inventory of all your possessions. This will come in handy not onlyfor organising your move, but also as a record of your assets for insurancepurposes.

Arrange for the transfer of your children's school records to their new school.

Send out furniture or drapes, etc. to be cleaned.

Start notifying others of your forthcoming change in address. This isespecially important for any businesses you may deal with as it can often taketime to update your address on their systems. Why not produce a moving noticeand photocopy this for distribution?

Fill in a form at the post office to have your mail redirected. You shouldelect to have your mail forwarded to this new address for at least two monthsfollowing your move.



Four weeks before the move

If you need to organise storage, do this now.

Using your inventory list, start organising how you will pack your possessions.How many boxes will you need? Which items should be packed last and unpackedfirst?

If you have pets, consider how these will be moved. Perhaps ask your vet torecommend companies who specialise in the safe transport of pets.

Arrange for final readings of your services, e.g. gas, water and electricity,to be performed just prior to your move. Also organise for these services to beconnected in your new home prior to your arrival.

Make sure that your telephone is connected at both your new and old addressesduring the move. This will allow for communication between the two placesshould this be necessary. Alternatively, borrow two mobile phones if you don'thave them.

If you are going to need temporary accommodation, make the necessaryhotel/motel bookings.



Three weeks before the move


Gather together all the packing materials you will need. This includes:

Packing tape

Bubble wrap

Styrofoam beads

Old newspapers


Utility knife

Packing string



Marker pens

Hand truck and/or dolly

Plenty of boxes

Start packing the items that you will not need over the next few weeks, e.g.extra linen or spare crockery.

Handy tip

Be aware that items you pack yourself are unlikely to be insured for breakage.Therefore, it is a good idea to leave the packing of fragile items, such asglass and china, to the professionals.




Two weeks before the move


Transfer all your bank accounts to new branch locations.

Cancel all deliveries, e.g. newspaper, milk.

Check on the arrangements for the new telephone service and other connections.

Consider storing jewellery and valuables, including certain legal documents, atyour bank during the move. Alternatively, set these aside to carry with you onthe day of the move.

Ensure your possessions will be fully insured during the move. If not, arrangefor extra insurance cover.

Contact the council where you are going to reside to find out about garbagepick-up, local regulations and other information.



One week before the move


Return all library books and rented videos. Also don't forget to collect anydry-cleaning, shoes from the repairer or lay-bys.

If necessary, arrange a babysitter for the day of the move.

Tidy up the garden and outside area.

Arrange for new locks to be installed on the house you are moving into.

Defrost your refrigerator and freezer.

Finalise all packing. Number each box and take notes on their contents. Also,keep items from different rooms in separate boxes.

Keep in mind that heavier items deserve smaller boxes.

Mark any items that should be handled with care.

Pack bags of clothing and toiletries to take with you rather than send with themover.

Have the carpet steam cleaned.

Also put together a box of items which could be useful for the day of the move.This might include such items as scissors, a utility knife, paper plates andtowels, toilet paper, drinks, cups, soap, bandaids, headache tablets, teatowels, rubbish bags and small toys for children.



Moving day


Remove all remaining food from your refrigerator and freezer.

Clean out cupboards, sweep the floors and ensure the house is tidy for its nextinhabitant.

Double check rooms, cupboards, drawers, shelves, outdoor areas and the garageto make sure you've taken everything.

Turn off all services, including the mains switch and taps.

Lock all windows and doors securely.

Leave the old house keys with the real estate agent for collection by the newinhabitant.

Check to see if all the services are on and appliances are working in your newhome.

Check off each box as it comes off the truck.

Register for voting in the new electorate.

Visit your new post office to see whether they are holding any mail for you.

If you do not have a bank account inAustralia, arrange to open one on arrival. Travellers cheques usually clear inyour Aus account on presentation (bring your ID / passports with you), personalcheques may take up to 30 days to clear.

Buy travellers cheques and some AUD (cash) for your first few days around AUD2000 should be sufficient.

Make sure you have a valid credit card (and make provision to have the cardpaid in your home country) this makes booking & paying for accommodation,rental cars etc much easier when you first arrive here

Ensure that you have up to date prescriptions (and sufficient supply to last atleast your first month in Australia) for any prescription medicines ortreatments. Also, get a copy of all of your medical and dental records and bringthat with you to Australia.

Make sure you have insurance cover for medical and personal effects that willcover you until you have your Australian insurance in place

Get your lawyer / solicitor to update your will (get a new one done after youarrive and settle in Australia) and also to act for you if there are anyoutstanding legal matters in your home country (e.g. sale of home etc)

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