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Which area would you recommend ??

Guest Bluebell

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Guest Bluebell

Hi everyone,


I am in need of some advice, we are a family of four looking to move out in March 2013 on a 457 visa. I will be working as an ITU nurse in the CBD so need to be able to commute to work without a car to start with!!! I have been advised by the Hospital to go for South Adelaide but don't know where to start.


We have 2 boys aged 8 and 12 who would love to be within walking distance of a beach or a cycle track. I will be looking at a state schools for the kids, their passions are sport and IT so ideally want to be looking at a short term rental somewhere with decent schools so I won't have to move them around and we can try before we commit to an area. Its all now getting a bit real but exciting, fingers crossed everything keeps going to plan. I am now working extras to make as much for the oz fund as possible hence the silly time.


Thanks for any advice


Sue (nurse) Darren (firefighter UK) plus qualified fitness instructor & PT, Callum 12, Alex 8.

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I wouldn't say where I live cos I'm not near the beach and this is something you said you wanted, although vikkiann is right - most people would say where they live. A lot of it depends on how close you want to be to work. Which hospital is your job with? The first place that springs to mind that is near the beach with good transport to the city is Glenelg, which has a tram line direct to the CBD. Brighton might be another good place. I like both areas for a visit but I don't really know anything about the schools. I'd say check out the commuting times to the CBD on the Adelaide metro site (does buses and trains) and look at the info on schools on the my school website.

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Guest Gina & Alan

Best value area is Hallett Cove for quality rentals but they are taking the train out of service in jan for 9 months, but they will add extra bus services to replace train

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NicF suggested a couple of lovely places in Glenelg, Hove and Brighton. As much as I love that area, it can be pricey to live in is one downside. Brighton senior school is very popular and meant to be a very good state school (we have family members there currently and they love it).


Glenelg is served well by the tram into the CBD.


Further south is also good to consider, it depends on how long a commute you are thinking of, and relying on public transport to begin with. If being by the beach is a key thing for you, you have plenty of options, depending on your budget.


Have a look on Google maps at the suburbs that sit along the coast itself. You'll also notice some to the west of the CBD and slightly north west of it also. And if you put the settings to show public transports you can also see clearly marked the public transport routes through the suburbs. Its in the little box saying 'Traffic' iirc. A drop down will appear. So bus, tram and train routes can be seen clearly.


Further south you have Seacliff and Hallet Cove. Then there are other suburbs further out beyond that that plenty of people like and live in happily.


Personally for me, anything past Seacliff/Seaview is too far out of the city so to speak. As lovely as some of those neighbourhoods are, they are not where I would choose to settle long term. Hubby has family dotted all around the south and west of the city and we don't want to be too far out down the coast away from them so we hopefully won't end up past Seacliff/Seaview, although we don't mind being further inland as being close to the beach isn't a selling point for us. Consider how much time you will actually spend on the beach in reality and perhaps consider some areas slightly further inland but still an easy car or bus drive away to get you to the beach. Walking distance to a beach is often going to cost in financial terms unless you are further out down south in the suburbs there somewhere.

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I would echo what Snifter says regarding the beach. You really do pay a premium for being close to the beach, and to be honest, unless you are less than 5 minutes walk from the beach, most of the time you will drive there anyway, especially if you are going swimming and have bags with towels, beach shelters etc to carry. There's not much difference between a 5 minute drive and a 10 minute drive in terms of convenience, but in terms of house prices it can make a big difference. There is a long cycle track from the city to the beach along the river Torrens which goes through West Beach, Fulham, Kidman Park, Flinders Park, Lockleys, Underdale, Thebarton etc (Linear Park).

Edited by Anne B
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Hi, its difficult to decided I think, it all depends on how an area makes you feel too I think. If you can get a holiday let and explore for a while I think would be good. Eastern suburbs are easy access to hospitals, city, cycle paths and not too far a drive to beach! there is a cycle path down to the coast too.

We were beach side and decided nearer city was better for us. I too am a nurse, lots more choice around the city! Good luck!

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