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Any spare space from the West Midlands


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Is anyone moving to Adelaide from the West Midlands area and has spare space in their container? I've always read such posts and thought it was a bit dodgy as the space space would be filled it teddies full of coke but here I am asking the question - but without the cocaine!


I moved to the Barossa a few years ago. My old Dad living in Worcester has a large and very good De Walt table saw. He was going to ship it to me but the costs were huge and my feeble DIY skills didn't justify the fee. If theres anyone with space and moving from anywhere near my parents I'd gladly pay something towards their shipping costs if they included my Dad's saw.




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Hi, we have our shipping company coming out next week and we are from Redditch, Ŵorcs. If you could possibly get the sizes of the saw from your dad I will ring the shipping company and see how much space we may have as we are having a shared container and not sure how close to the half limit we are. And we have already got more items to add onto the original list due to Christmas presents :)



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Hi Natasha


The saw can come apart into 3 pieces. Unpacked (they would be wrapped in cardboard for shipping) the parts are (1) 80x10x10cm, (2) 30x30x30cm, (3) 85x56x15cm. Total weight is 16kg although shipping is volume based not weight based. I'd get my parents to take it to Redditch. If you could help it would be very much appreciated but if you already have too much then so be it but contact once you're help and I'll give you any guidance you need. Thanks very much. Jon

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