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URGENT - End of Family visas and non contributory visas


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Please see below the message from George Lombard: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/212757-urgent-end-other-family-non-contributory-parent-visas-today.html



Sorry for re-posting, I understand that many agents will not receive this information until later today; DIBP will not publicise this change today as it was announced post-budget without a timeline.





Confirmation has come through today that the Department is ending eligibility for the carer, remaining relative, aged dependent relative and standard parent visa categories with effect from Monday.



Given that these applications must all be paper lodged, this leaves very little time to make sure your application is lodged.



Bear in mind that a faxed application - provided it includes appropriate payment - is still viable for the Other Family visa class, and at a pinch an offshore application can be lodged in any offshore office of the Department. Washington will still be available when others have closed.



Onshore applications should be lodged in Perth, see http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/835.aspx for example.



Good luck to all.






George Lombard - See more at: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/212757-urgent-end-other-family-non-contributory-parent-visas-today.html#sthash.zJYIttsI.dpuf

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It doesn't impact on me but it sounds pretty tough for those with families in both countries if I am reading it right. I already see people on this forum torn when they decide to leave the UK and come here. Seems very inhumane to me. Family is pretty important to a fair few people. On the one hand they encourage migration and on the other they make it harder for people too. Hopefully they shoot themselves in the foot with this one. If it dissuades people from migrating or think twice then the government doesn't get the migration dollars.

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