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175 visa online application documentation

Guest ben.karen

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Guest ben.karen

:confused:Hi eveyone


We are a bit confused! We put in our online application for a 175 visa yesterday, and today have got a computer generated e-mail asking for the following documents:

Radiologist report of chest X-ray & medical reports

Scanned copies of passports / birth certificates

Scanned copies of skills assessment & proof of employment etc in MODL occupation.


We are slightly shocked, as we were under the impression it would be ages before they wanted medicals and chest X-rays, and the immi website said they needed certified copies (as opposed to just scans) of birth certs etc (for which I've paid £80!) and now they don't even seem to want them!!:arghh:


Is this normal? I am a nurse, and occupation is on MODL, but this seems very different to how the immi website said it would progress.


Any reasurance that this is OK would be most welcome - my wife is worried that this seems to be going too quickly (!?)

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Guest deborah

we were asked for the same when we submitted in May so we just sent what they asked for. Our visa is being processed further apparently.

WE hadn't got our docs certified because as as long as the originals are in colour they will accept them.If they are in black and white you need to have cert then scan them in.

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Guest Carkyde

Hi I bought a colour scanner and sent everything except for passport pics which we posted, international registered post. We applied online Sept 07, got an immediate email to say they had talken money and then got an email to go for medicals, XRays and blood tests in Jan, went 14 Feb, received in DIMA early March,then we didn't hear anything until this week when we were granted 175 visa.


I am a nurse too. Bit surprised we were only given 5 months to be in Australia when visa was granted. But we are one of the lucky few as we are renting in the UK so we can go as soon as I get a job.


What type of nurse is your wife? I am RMN.


Such a relief to get visa, there is always a nagging doubt at the back of your mind that it might not be granted!!!!

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Guest Django

As said if you scan in colour at the dpi stated you don't need to get the supporting documents certified.


As for being asked already for medicals and police checks, its just a standard email. You can indeed get them done as asked or you can wait to be asked for them by a CO. The only thing to remember is that when the medicals are finalised (received and ok'd in Oz) you will only have a further 12 months to validate your visa. The ideal is to have your PCs and meds finalised around the same time you get a Case Officer. If I were in your shoes I would booked to have your Medicals in about 2 months and do your PCs about the same time (unless you get a case officer ask for them).


Good luck



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Guest Carkyde

Not sure if we had same info. We got police checks done when we did online apps, we assumed we would have 1 year from when visa 175 was granted but they have only given us 5 months to be in oz! We emailed Case Officer several questions but never had an answer, so I would not rely on getting advice from them.

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Guest Django

Case Officers rarely answer questions. They look at your application and to see if everything is ready for the decission maker. If anything is missing like medicals or police checks they will ask you for them. You will generally have 28 days to get them the information they request.


we assumed we would have 1 year from when visa 175 was granted but they have only given us 5 months to be in oz!


All dates go on either PCs or meds (which ever you did first) as both are only valid for 12 months. If in doubt you should always wait for them to be requested.



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Guest macu68



I am waiting for my NBSA registration to be completed (sent May 08 advised will take 4 months) and then I will be registering with ANMC as I have chosen to apply using the modified assessment. I am not in the least bit patient and really want to get the online visa (175) application underway, can I apply for the visa and then send/attach the registration documents or do I have to wait until I am registered with NBSA and ANMC before I apply for the visa?


Mary xx

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Guest Carkyde

Hi Mary


I applied for visa 175, took 11 months start to finish, just applying now for registration with SA nursing board.

I worked in NSW 2 years ago and it only took 6 weeks to get registration, went to the Victoria office in Melbourne to register there and they said they would do it on the spot!!o if you decided to move interstate it is not too difficult to get registration.


I would get your 175 visa application underway, I think the nurse registration lasts one year so you may have to renew it even before you get to Oz.


I also think that on the nursing app form it asks about visa status, having a visa might fast track things - I hope!!



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Guest Django

Hi Mary,


You will have to wait to be skill assessed before you can lodge your application. This process really teaches you patient. We have done it all and are just counting down the days but it still doesn't come quick enough. :biglaugh::biglaugh:




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Guest macu68

Well thankyou Pete but that is not what I want to hear!!!! I have already e-mailed DIAC earlier in the week and they advised me that due to the nature of the enquiry I would need to contact them by phone. I might just ring them tonight and see what they say, if it is any different I will post and let you know. Ta Pete.

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Guest ben.karen



The 175 application asks if you have your skills assessment, and wants your file ref number and date of skills assessment. I don't think you can proceed to fill in the rest of the online form without it. It may be that some people on PIA have gone with migration agents, who may have applied for skills assesments on their behalf, but you cannot get a 175 visa without a skills assessment (else it would not be a 'skilled independent visa').

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Guest Trakki

As said you have to wait to get the skill assessment back and then put the ref number on the application, what I did was fill all the form i online and save it, as soon as the positive assessment arrived I put the number on and submitted so it got sent immediately.


Hope that helps, the waiting is hell :arghh:

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