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Caravan Park

Guest Lisa2991

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Guest Lisa2991

Hi, We have our Visa's granted and are trying to sell our house in the UK before we move over. We were wondering if there are any static caravan parks in Adelaide where you can buy a unit or chalet outright and then just pay an annual ground rent??


We thought this may be a viable option of a place to live during the summer whilst we look for a house.


If anyone can forward me any links or give me an idea of who to contact that would be great.


Lisa, Dave, Oscar and Louie.

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Guest Libby1971

There are a number of caravan parks eg Brighton, Christies Beach, Woodcroft. I would want to check the airconditioning in these places myself. The heat last summer was fierce and we needed our air con. We came through in Autumn in order to try to acclimatise and it was still hard for the girls.


Try www.adelaidebound.com for more info...a site set up by lady when researching Adelaide to share info she found as she prepared to migrate

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Hi Lisa, the weather should be nice and warm in November but not overly hot! I seem to remember it was warm and sunny last November but the start of December was cold and wet - like being back in the UK! We came over last year when the children were 3 and 18 months. I can't say the journey was enjoyable but yours are a bit older! There are plenty of playgroups and kindy's here for your two, and of course lots and lots of lovely beaches! Give me a shout if you need more info on anything!

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