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Do they check up on you???????

Guest markshelley

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Guest markshelley

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyones referees/references have been contacted via phone or letter by the ozzy visa bodies?

If so what sort of questions did they ask your colleague?

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Guest Libby1971

To the best of my knowledge, the visa people seem to trust that the information you have given is accurate, and therefore tend not to, on the whole, contact these people. However, random checks are done on some applications and if you have lied on this section, then the rest of the application is toothcombed.


I know this is not what you were asking but thought I'd generalise a bit first.


To answer your question, not a clue! Bet you are glad I replied at all really, :biglaugh:!!

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Guest Sharon and Paul

Hi Mark, I sent off 5 different references , and no one checked up on them ! . Like you i used an agent, so i think they must take that into account. just send as much info as poss iam sure you can get a few ref's done? blind them with paper work like they do with us?. ATB Paul . roldx.gif

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Hi Mark

Pauls employers were contacted by the Australian visa people, to check his reference and to see if he did do what he said he did at work. His boss said they were fine, but I suppose just doing their job, But as people have said it might only be random.

good luck

Jo xx

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