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Looking for Rental in Hallett Cove


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Hi there, feel like I need to say hello again, as not been on here much in the past 6 months. We finally got our house sold after 9 long months, visa has to be validated by 30.10.08 so we were planning a holiday over............. then last nite someone made a cash offer on the house and want to move in in 5 weeks. So after months of not being able to do anything (and the depression!!!!), we need to rush............... ARGH!!!


But so happy........... anyway, we are looking for a rental and wondered if anyone could help out or point us in the right direction!! We have 2 kids so would be 3/4 bedroom.


Cheers guys


Gill :notworthy:

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Are you looking for something short term, and presumably furnished? Or are you looking to take something on for six months or a year?


Also, and I know this causes all sorts of problems, but I'm just interested as to why you have chosen Hallett Cove if you've never been here before? Actually, that's just an assumption, perhaps you have, or have family there. Just interested to know as I mentioned to an aussie friend the other day that someone was looking around that area, and she said "Do they realise how far out it is?" All relative I know, and everyone has their own priorities, and I'm not putting the place down at all (have I grovelled enough yet?!) but so often I see people on forums who have never been to Adelaide before and have already made the decision of where they want to be, so I was just wondering what your reasons for narrowing it down to HC were?


Anyway, if you're looking for short term rentals, there are several people on here that have them in the southern areas, Judi is one, Tyke another, so check out their websites and send them PMs if you need to check availability.


Best of luck, and I stress again that I've nothing against HC - apart from it being a bit far from the City for me personally!



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Guest Nick & Jo

We found ours through the Real Estate.com.au website, there are about half a dozen rentals in Hallett Cove at the moment. Admittedly we do have rellies over here who we asked to have a look at the house before we made a decision but as soon as they had viewed it, we completed the forms for the agent and got the house the next day, it was all very straightforward and easy. We had never been to HC either although we had been to Adelaide a year ago, and chose the area after looking at houses in the area. We have not been disappointed as we like being away from the city and close to the coast, and it's lovely to see the ocean every day when you're out and about especially when there's a beautiful blue sky. Also we think it's very quiet as well which we like!



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