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Jessica Berry

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Posts posted by Jessica Berry

  1. On 6/12/2018 at 11:40 PM, TandT said:

    Thanks both! I will be sure to take a look at the Facebook page, and we'll revisit this idea once we've got to Adelaide in early August and then we'll be able to commit to dates. I imagine the first couple of weeks will be taken up with us getting set up and finding out how best to get around etc. We will have temporary accommodation but will need to find somewhere of our own to move in to, so I'm sure this forum will help with that (info on suburbs etc). 

    We are a couple in our early 30s with no kids, so it would be great to meet others in the same situation but we aren't too fussy really! 

    Thanks again for your replies.

    Also happy to meet up. 

  2. Welcome to the forum.

    A couple of us have tried to organise a meet up but there were no takers, which is a shame because I have made some good friends through this site and I know others have too.

    Perhaps if you indicate whether you are looking to meet couples, families, specific age groups, people with certain interests or whether it doesn’t matter, that might be helpful.


  3. We had the same form and completed it over the phone and then a confirmation letter of our provided information was sent out to us. We have had to do a few ‘checks and balances’ processes in the past couple of years due to changes in UK banking regulations but we are happy to comply to keep our UK bank account open.

  4. Not sure about the title...but thought some people might be interested in reading this article in the Adelaide paper (The Advertiser) at the weekend.

    Our visa allowed us to live anywhere in Australia and we chose to come to Adelaide. In terms of lifestyle and standard of living we have always been happy with our choice.



  5. My OH and I have recently changed jobs.  I finished my previous job on Friday and started my new job on the Monday.  Recruitment process involved an initial phone screen interview (this is common to try and exclude people from the shortlist often due to the volume of applications, so it is important you prepare what to say beforehand), a formal interview, police check, ref check.  My OH secured a new job, the process involved 2 panel interviews, police check, medical, ref checks...the process takes times, but this would be the same for us if we were applying for jobs in the UK.  Both of these jobs were newly created jobs, so despite the doom and gloom about the Adelaide job market there are jobs out there, but in my opinion, it depends what you do, what you are willing to do, what your expectations are, your attitude and understanding of the Adelaide job market and how to approach it. There is also a big emphasis on cultural fit and whether you will fit into the company and work well with the existing workers.

  6. On 8/17/2017 at 8:33 PM, Seán said:

    Thanks for the insight guys (Snifter & Jessica). Good to hear that Jessica has been able to move around a bit ...however 150 applicants for one jobs sounds a bit desperate ....mind you I have no idea what the statistic would be elsewhere...but 150 is a lot of people looking for a role....

    To be honest I was surprised when the Manager said 150, I was expecting double that amount!  I know of a similar role a couple of years ago that attracted 600 applications! In my experience there is a lot of emphasis on 'cultural fit' within Adelaide workplaces in terms of will you fit into the team/company environment/culture.  I can generally tell in an interview if they like me and whether I am in with a chance.  I remember in one interview chatting about Coronation Street with the HR Manager and I knew at that point the job was mine!

    I am not sure if you spotted a response I posted on another thread, but thought I would just add it on the end here to save me retyping something along the same lines!....

    My OH and I have recently changed jobs.  I finished my previous job on Friday and started my new job on the Monday.  Recruitment process involved an initial phone screen interview (this is common to try and exclude people from the shortlist often due to the volume of applications), a formal interview, police check, ref check.  My OH secured a new job, the process involved 2 panel interviews, police check, medical, ref checks...the process takes times, but this would be the same for us if we were applying for jobs in the UK.  Both of these jobs were newly created jobs, so despite the doom and gloom about the Adelaide job market there are jobs out there, but in my opinion, it depends what you do, what you are willing to do, what your expectations are, your attitude and understanding of the Adelaide job market and how to approach it.

    • Like 1
  7. On 14/08/2017 at 2:46 PM, snifter said:

    I get its not for everyone and the who you know network thing often holds true here (glad to hear its not confined to Adelaide). But I do know of plenty of people who have found jobs without the networking aspect to aid them.

    Agreed Snifter.  While the whole networking in Adelaide is prevalent, as you say there are plenty of people that secure work without doing any networking.  People need to make sure they are applying for the right jobs, many people think they are a perfect match for the advertised role, but when you look at their application as the recruiter, what the applicant and recruiter see can differ greatly!  We have been here 10 years now and I move jobs quite a bit by choice and my OH has secured several relatively senior roles and all of our jobs have been sourced through seek, the newspaper or recruitment agencies. The last job I recently applied for and secured received over 150 applications, to be honest in the current job climate I expected the number to be higher!

    • Like 1

    Welcome to the forum.

    There are quite a few jobs on the skills list which are over subscribed and many long term people living here often wonder why these jobs are still on the list!  That is not to say their isn't a shortage of some roles and some people find work quickly, but often people make the assumption that just because their job is on the list they will be in demand and it isn't always the case.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Seán said:

    Hi Hugo,

    Just signed up here. We (family) too are  moving to Adelaide, in Jan/Feb time ....however we are moving from Sydney, where we have lived for 7 years.

    Am also CIMA - a bit more experienced, a more polite way of saying of saying someone is older ;)  About 20+ years PQE .

    So Im new to the Adelaide market too, but I know Sydney well. From initial reviews, the markets are like chalk and cheese. Sydney is buzzing and no shortage of finance roles, its a major FS hub and lots of national organisations base their HQs here. I've not spent much time in Adelaide and there is lots I have not seen, however my initial impression and research indicates its a far smaller market, a regional capital but nothing like the buzz of Sydney or London. In fact the move from a massive city like London to Adelaide could be a shock to the system. 

    You'll probably see from online job sites that not too many high level finance jobs come up - seem to be few and far between. I have found the Australian market (Sydney anyway) is more biased on your network / who you know, than your raw ability. Which isnt great when you first move to a new city, but in the long run can actually work out well. BTW I found in Sydney , a large proportion of vacancies are never offered through the agencies, firms just fill themselves are through their own network (back to my point about having a network).

    Am happy to keep in contact and share experiences / findings.






    Hi Sean

    Welcome to the forum.

    Why the move from Sydney to Adelaide?  Often people are going the other way!

  10. My OH and I have recently changed jobs.  I finished my previous job on Friday and started my new job on the Monday.  Recruitment process involved an initial phone screen interview (this is common to try and exclude people from the shortlist often due to the volume of applications), a formal interview, police check, ref check.  My OH secured a new job, the process involved 2 panel interviews, police check, medical, ref checks...the process takes times, but this would be the same for us if we were applying for jobs in the UK.  Both of these jobs were newly created jobs, so despite the doom and gloom about the Adelaide job market there are jobs out there, but in my opinion, it depends what you do, what you are willing to do, what your expectations are, your attitude and understanding of the Adelaide job market and how to approach it.

    • Like 2
  11. Unless you are specifically asked to state your visa type or the job advert specifies Citizenship or defence clearance which would exclude you from applying anyway, there is no need to mention it in my opinion.

    As LC mentions often getting a job in Adelaide is down to so many variables, not just your visa type.

  12. Welcome to the site. Like you, I came over on a working holiday visa and travelled around Australia and loved it and always hoped to return. Then 10 years later I emigrated with my OH who like your husband had never been to Australia before. Our visa allowed us to live anywhere in Australia, but I made the decision that Adelaide would be a good fit for us and as my OH had never been before he was happy to trust my judgement. We have been here nearly 10 years now and enjoy life in Adelaide/Australia and feel we have a good standard of living here and were grateful we had the opportunity to emigrate to Australia. I think peoples expectations and attitudes play a large part in whether people settle and make a 'success' of it. We have worked hard and worked as a team to achieve our goals and make a good life for ourselves here.


    FYI - Just in case you aren't aware, when you look at houses on realestate.com.au you will need to add stamp duty onto the asking price, so factor this into your budget. For example on a $500k house, the stamp duty will be $21,330...



  13. There can be many reasons why a person secures a job or not in Adelaide! Often new arrivals (or even the 'locals'!) can jeopardise their chances because they don't know how things work. So for example, a recruiter/company wanting to reduce a shortlist of applicants may conduct a phone interview, so applicants need to be ready with answers in case they receive a phone call, especially the one relating to salary expectations. Often employers are now in a strong position in the current economy to pick and choose from a larger pool of applicants.


    From my experience there is still work around in Adelaide. I know several people who have secured work recently, but it depends on your skill set, the industry you work in, attitude and approach etc etc!

  14. I rang our provider up, Energy Australia (thanks Tamara for the prompt and info about Simply Energy) and managed to get our discount on gas increased from 21% to 27% so happy with that. We have solar power and are always in credit so it is difficult to negotiate a discount usually, but Energy Australia have offered us a 15% discount off the electricity bill before any of our solar credits come off, so happy with that, they also give a higher rebate for solar than required. I did ring Simply Energy and when they knew it was solar, they said someone would ring me back, but that was nearly 2 weeks ago and they still haven't contacted me. I am with Scooter Dan and usually just ring up and push my current provider to give us a better deal rather than moving, (I do the same with our mortgage periodically).

  15. My vote is with the digital version. Used to get the book but last year got the digital one and used it a lot. The search function that shows you what is in the nearby area is great. Because the book is so big and heavy it was only good if you were planning to go out. This way you can use the vouchers spontaneously. Wouldn't go back to the book myself.


    Snap! Decided to give the digital one a try and like you I wouldn't go back to using the book. So far we have had $200 in discounts, so if you take off the cost of the 'book' we are still up by $135 and have another 10 months to use it. So for us, it is great value.

  16. Hello :-) thanks for this, Its certainly got me thinking that we need to get our skates on with booking accommodation!


    I've just had a look on the real estate (whilst waiting for my post to go on), and I think you are right about working on property/area prices as this is likely to be a starting point for us, along with employment & schools. (still got our hearts set on beach locations but and for the right home we could be a short drive away). Wish we could fast forward to March and get over there and see things first hand... but for now I need to get searching for some where to stay for our pre-visit....decisions decisions.... :-)


    Just something to take into account when looking on realestate.com.au, you will have to pay stamp duty on top of the sale price...have a look at this website for more information....



  17. I read review that the Hugh Jackman character was a complete fabrication!


    Yes, I read that too, but his character definitely adds to the story in my opinion, so what's a bit of artistic licence between friends ha ha.

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