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Posts posted by yoda22

  1. Hi! Thank you for your reply ............ I was referring to an improved way of life........... hubby being home from work to spend time with the kids (realises he will be starting earlier but he's happy with that). Spending weekends outside rather than stuck inside. Walking down the street and not being afraid to look sideways at anyone including children!! I was at the park yesterday and there were 3 teenagers and I mean early teens and the F word was every other word when they were speaking!! I was with my 3 and 5 year old but I daren't say anything because they sounded as rough as anything and I was too afraid!!!!


    We have lived in Adelaide before - we moved in 2006 and hubby walked into a job within days of looking - he's a carpenter..... and that was great. We realised that it probably wouldn't be as easy as that this time and have a contingency but it will realistically only last us 1 month so all the talk of high unemployment is really worrying me. Our families are dead set against our move to Australia this time mainly because of our children so any conversation with them is always very negative about the move!! I'm really lost to be honest.


    We left Adelaide 15 months after arriving all the years ago because we had a child that was diagnosed with a terminal illness and we returned to the UK so she could meet all her family..... she died aged 1 year and 19 days and we just remained in UK. We would never have left Adelaide otherwise. It has taken until now for the time to feel right for us emotionally and financially however as I've said all the talk in the forums about high unemployment is making me very very uneasy. Sorry for the ramble!!



    I am sorry to hear about your loss. I would not look at this forum for a source of advice regarding the employment situation. People telling you its fine already have jobs,

    Adelaide is in a horrendous state. Really, really bad.


    Carpenter is a great trade and having been here already it is an advantage. But from what I have read the risks are way too high and you should consider your family.

    If you have an income there stay put otherwise consider Sydney or Melbourne even then one months leeway is not nearly enough.


    I understand you may have an emotional connection to the place but really do not add to your already stressful few years. Be happy and thankful where you are.


    As Jessica said 3-6 months ....... and I would say at least that.

  2. Nope. Not the mob out in force. Just the voices of a few people who have moved here and made it work.

    People who are fed up reading the same old lines from a disgruntled individual who failed to make it work for him.

    Admirable that you jump to the defence of your master though Yodal.




    Whatever, you are entitled to opinion, I couldn't care less. :wink:


    Today is probably a good day for Australia.

  3. That's right we are coming on my visa but want him to be able to get work you see. Thanks.


    The unemployment rate in SA is the highest in the nation and its about to get worse. Australia is also headed for recession, come, but be prepared and have an exit plan. Perhaps he could make some calls prior to coming out to see what the situation is like in his trade.


    Good luck.

  4. I understand you have underlined the word guide.

    Given that Adelaide has the worst unemployment rate in the country and the figures you quoted are nationwide I would disregard them to an extent.

    Adelaide is not like the rest of the country. Given Tasmania has now a higher level of employment.


    I agree with your point, no need to panic, maybe allow a time and certainly have an exit strategy planned if you cannot secure work.


    Plan properly and understand the economic struggles of the state. Once you arrive reality bites within a few weeks for most.

    Do not be ashamed to go home in 3 or 6 months, if things don't work out. Do not cash in all your chips.

  5. Greece is a mess, Adelaide isn't.


    If anyone had good jobs and are happy they would be bonkers to emigrate to any place without a job to go to. Many people do it, but i think they are all mad.


    the person who posted only ever gives one side of ADELAIDE, that needs to be highlighted :-)




    Adelaide is not Greece but where is, however you are saying it is has a healthy economy ?

    You may only post positive things, other poster may only post negative things. That is balance.

    People are smart enough to make their own minds.


    Here are 3 good things about Adelaide

    1. Friendly down to earth people

    2. Great outdoor activities for kids

    3. Amazing scenery and wildlife


    Here are 3 bad things

    1. Lack of employment

    2. Insular

    3. Too hot in summer (like the sun) too cold in winter (poor insulation)

  6. That article says nothing but a biased opinion but I can see why you posted it.


    It's of no real relevance to anyone on this forum to be quite honest. But again I can see why you chose to post it.

    It is an opinion piece ..... but is quite accurate.


    I would say very relevant if there are people packing up everything and bringing children over here yet without jobs. Which I saw someone mention in a post here earlier in the week.

    They were taking a 'leap of faith'. Both sides are helpful good and bad. Forewarned is forearmed.


    Adelaide is in a very bad economic state, someone in the UK about to travel may not fully know this until they arrive. Being positive about Adelaide is great. But we all recall when we arrive we are wearing rose tinted glasses to a greater or lesser extent (why else would we move). Yes, everyone knows it will not be easy sure ..... but such a piece I for one would like to read before my arrival. I count myself for one and most to filter the good and bad.


    How can that not be relevant ? and again why does everyone attack someone here who posts something negative. Perhaps they are trying to help by informing ?

  7. Hi guys!


    By October this year I shall move to Adelaide with my newborn, my husband is already working there. I have a diploma in Business Management with specialization in 1) Event Management & 2)Public Relations. Along with this I have over 9 years of experience in digital marketing content creation/copywriter & management, along with client communications. In addition to this I have a Bachelors in Pharmaceutical Sciences.


    Does anyone where has any idea about the types of jobs I may apply for using the above mentioned experience and qualifications??



    Thanks in advance!! :) :)


    I know nothing about 1) and 2) but I presume you have people skills and an ability to sell yourself so I guess that would be good for many jobs including getting a job. Adelaide is like a giant town though be warned it is who you know not what you know. Be warned if you get call backs this is often just to poke at you and see if you may be of value to them. I guess if your husband works here he would advise best you and help you start to build contacts.


    Unfortunately in a lot of areas they do not really count overseas experience, bizzare but there you go. As the other poster mentioned perhaps getting an Australian/Adelaide professional to assist in your CV.


    There are jobs in Adelaide just very, very, very hard to find, hard to find, hard to find as the PM would say would say and not going to be easier anytime soon.


    Good Luck !

  8. Not so long ago a few of us were attacked on this forum for being overly negative with regard to jobs outlook for arriving migrants. Adelaide is an economic basket case and slowly it is dawning on people. If you are coming here to work be warned. It is not impossible but do your research and realise the unemployment rate is the highest in the country and climbing. Enthusiasm will get you so far but reality bites when you are here, There are many who may have no problem but unless you are highly skilled and in demand it will not be easy.

  9. Sorry to hear your situation. Your mental health is most important and this sounds like it is not doing it any good. I presume you came here for a better life. This does not sound like a better life.


    Admin jobs are extremely difficult to get here in Adelaide and locals will always come first. Personally I would not waste your energy unless you can network well or have good Aussie experience. It is who you know what you know here so do not be hard on yourself. People are thankful for any work at the minute and I seen some bad treatment of employees here as employers know the situation and often abuse people here and treat them like dirt. Not all but I have seen plenty of it.


    If you really want an admin job move to one of the two big cities, that may not possible depending on your situation. However as the previous poster mentioned networking seems to be the only answer to get admin work here if you don't have Australian experience.

    As the previous poster said pick up the phone stick your head in the door.


    In my book you have 4 choices

    1 - move to Sydney or Melbourne perhaps Brisbane

    2 - jump ship and move to somewhere in your current line of work and hope they treat you with more respect

    3 - stick it out and train in something like aged care where there is plenty of work in Adelaide and you can get trained reasonably quickly

    4 - get a job in Coles or Woolies or Bunnings


    None of the above may sound great


    But maybe better to do 1, 2, 3 or 4 before you find yourself walking out of your job one morning or it really starts to effect your health, relationships etc. Then things will be a lot worse.


    I wish you luck.

  10. 1. End in Mining Boom was 7 points of GDP slowly going to be reduced to 2 points

    2. Reduction in Manfacturing

    3. Contraction of services sector due to points 1. and 2.

    4. Contraction in housing markets in major cities due to 1. 2. 3.

    5. Increase burden in social welfare and higher unemployment rates

    6. Reduction in public spending

    7. Negative equity and general wallet tightening. Business close etc.

    8. Recession


    This has been in on the cards for sometime. Australia has had once in a century boom due to mining and services.

    While they are not going to disappear they are already starting to contract.

    Everything will be fine but prepare yourself for the next few years accordingly as it will be bumpy.


    Right now Sydney and Melbourne house prices are over valued. You will be sitting on a purchase a few years and I think you will be in negative equity.

    I am on the fence about Adelaide. Seems to be reasonable value around if you have a good / safe job and live in it and wait for the bounce back up who knows.

    I am no expert. This is a forum just one mans opinion. Take it or leave it. I don't want to be negative for the sake of it. Sorry



    1. End in Mining Boom was 7 points of GDP slowly going to be reduced to 2 points

    2. Reduction in Manfacturing

    3. Contraction of services sector due to points 1. and 2.

    4. Contraction in housing markets in major cities due to 1. 2. 3.

    5. Increase burden in social welfare and higher unemployment rates

    6. Reduction in public spending

    7. Negative equity and general wallet tightening. Business close etc.

    8. Recession


    This has been in on the cards for sometime. Australia has had once in a century boom due to mining and services.

    While they are not going to disappear they are already starting to contract.

    Everything will be fine but prepare yourself for the next few years accordingly as it will be bumpy.

  12. Oh its I see its a totally new paradigm, Sydney stuck down in the bottom of the planet will manage what Ireland, USA, Spain, UK, Japan and now China couldn't.


    If you live in Melbourne or Sydney now is the worst time in the world to buy a house. Adelaide if you can get a job - fine.

    With the recent comments from the Reserve Bank it seems even the driver at the wheel is even asleep which will make the drop all the bigger when it comes.

    Maybe pressure is being put on 'Jornos' / editors by advertising wings of newspapers as property is such a big revenue generator.

    They have changed their tune in the last few weeks ..... one must ask why ? Anyway expect double digit unemployment and a recession.

    But yes Notpom eventually property years down the line will recover and move back up then I can safely remove the beer bottle from where you so kindly ask me to put it :)



  13. No one biting today Notpom.


    I am in two minds as to which to invest in first a rundown two bedroom unit in Parramatta for a million or

    a 50% share in a chocolate teacup factory. I will consult with mystic meg and get back to you in the morning.

  14. I take your point. I am not German so you have a much better idea of how things are than I do.

    I am sorry to hear young Germans are now also suffering under 0 hour / temp contracts. It is a terrible practice. Governments need to stop this. I think having a home is great and everyone should have the chance if they work hard. I am against investment buying and selling.


    In think in times past Germans built their economy on manufacturing things not buying and selling houses to each other. I was of the opinion Germans found it more acceptable to rent than British ? In any case at least the government there has not encouraged this type of economy. Perhaps they should prevent foreign buyers / investors. I can see that you find things better here and I can not argue with you.


    my initial argument was I believe there is a housing bubble in Sydney and Melbourne. Not Adelaide where if you have a good secure job it is not a bad place to buy.




    This is why I love Germany


  15. Lets hope that 3 bedroom house in Sydney will do better than Chinese equities.


    And people wonder why the Australian property market has been flooded with Chinese investors for the last couple years ? Below is your answer folks.

    London and Sydney have been used as giant car parking spaces for Chinese investors and money. One way or another property prices and wages

    being in line ? Notpom Keep dreaming.

    Smart money moved before this happened.


    Which caused this to happen.



    I wonder what will happen next ?

  16. That is not a fact I can't argue - however when a housing bubble ponzi goes bang a lot of said income is property based.

    So unemployment will deffinately increase, Mr.David Zago 95-15 data means nothing then. 1995 is an interesting year to choose

    because it is a year when arguably the last big recession experienced in Australia was ending although not over was at the tail end.


    Ian Macfarlane, Governor of the Reserve Bank from 1996 to 2006, has said that the financial excesses of the 1980s were of such a scale that they made the 1990s recession "inevitable", describing Australia's economy at the end of the 1980s as overstretched and vulnerable to contractionary shock. The pressure of high interest rates on businesses - many of which were "borrowed up to the hilt" - became relentless.


    Currently the interest rates are not something that has people lowering the lifeboats. However once this thing goes bang the government will promise to be more responsible in the future and make sure housing never overheats again. Interests rates will have to go up. Until the next time they want votes that is.


    Notpom you are right ! property will always go up. But for the next 1-5 years in Sydney and Melbourne it will lose 20% 30% ? value. Unemployment will go up double digits ? certainly here in South Australia it will. But Adelaide has no housing bubble just a very weak economy currently with declining manufacturing and opportunities.


    Adelaide will be back, Australia will be back just in for choppy waters. 10 years ? hopefully 5 with as little social unrest as possible.


    You can send me to Coventry now.

  17. I can't let go the fact you think property prices are not heading south in the two big cities Melbourne and Sydney !!:smile:

    I have had my slide rule and compass out all night tonight. 2+2 still equals 4 right ? As I speak there is a hedge fund manager not caring.

    (Again it is my issue being a financial dullard or loser. I honestly do have problems with basic arithmetic).


    Your writin (yes writin) is very entertaining and mostly I agree with your latter sentiments. Although the air that you breath sounds rather rarefied.

    If we could all live up to such lofty standards the world indeed be a better place, one would agree.


    However (no fingers pointed) anytime I feel I am being hit over the head by a persons educational prowess I often wonder if they understand the meaning of education.

    Education is a great gift if one has been given it (or earned it as you say), it is not a badge or a stick. Preaching I believe should be left to more qualified types such as bible bashers, life coaches and parents.


    Brown nosing and a shiny suit though as you have said gets you a lot further nowadays. Tis a shame, but whata ya goin to do ?


    What all this has to with Adelaide, who knows !! so .... Go the Crows tomorrow afternoon.

  18. Notpom sends my glass eye to sleep sometimes, and there are a few donkey hind legs laying around too! but he does in general keep us amused with his/her take on the world of finance though doesn't he/she?


    Thanks for the term glass eye - new one on me. But a nice expression :jiggy:


    I can be overly negative and I am working on it as well as my apathy. Better nutrition and a good nights sleep is the key to my recovery of my auto immune disease. Genuinely.


    I really don't know that much economics hedge funds, bond holders, negative gearing, interest rates, central banks, negative swaps it is all beyond me really. In fact compound interest still eludes me to this day. But I read a few headlines and well I think I know everything.


    On a positive note I do not believe there is a bubble in Adelaide. Long term the outlook is good for this beautiful land. Also buying a house I believe is a great thing for some people.

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