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Posts posted by Ace

  1. Hi everyone,


    Could anyone recommend customs clearance broker in Port Adelaide to me. I will just packed some important and personal things which about 6-8 boxes when we planning to make our final move to Adelaide in August 2015. I have sent email to a few companies but to no avail. Grateful for any information given.

  2. We have searched a few suburbs from real estate website e.g. Warradale, Fulham and Brighton. Apparently, we do not have any suburbs in mind yet. Our main concern is where to find (any website) a short term accomodation for us to stay e.g a week, months, whilst we looking for permanent house and school when we arrive.


    Thank you for any reply.

  3. Hi, everyone...great to know this forum. My family had been granted Regional Sponsored (Subclass 489) visa. This coming June we'll be making our 1st entry (2 weeks) to Adelaide, hope to get more information on primary schools for my 2 school going children 10 & 11 years old, suburbs (with reasonable rental and nice neighbourhood), banking facilities, insurance and other matters which new migrant needs to know before we make our final move probably on Sep 2015.


    Could anyone give us advice on the following:-

    1.) how/where to find a short term accomodation whereby the rental is not too expensive, whilst we looking for permanent house and school if we make our big move on

    Sep 2015,

    2.) As we are from Malaysia (English is our second languange), do my kids need to go for English Language support ?

    3.) Dos/Don't things for new migrants who is going to make our living down under


    Your kind advice is much appreciated.


    Best regards.

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