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Posts posted by FriarMylo

  1. Don't get me wrong...I am taking a big leap into the unknown here. This will be the third time I'm starting all over...and this time it's with my own new family. First two times I was a kid and I couldn't help it because I was unlucky that I was born in a part of the world that is conflict prone to say the least,back then I didn't choose to migrate...I was forced to...had a good life...or start of it.... but lost everything,my childhood,teenage carefree fun years,early adulthood and college experiences...only had a glimpse of those . Now...I have m own family and I made the choice to migrate and the responsibility is huge,but the main motivation is hope for a better life...a life worth living not just surviving...in every sense of that word. The last thing on my mind is to live on government handouts...I just feel more at ease knowing that there is a system that takes care of you if you unfortunately get in that position and helps you get back on your feet. I consider myself smart enough,capable enough,willing enough and experienced enough to immediately become a working member of society but it isn't all up to me....and also I understand the fact that as a newly arriving migrant things may not go so smooth for me (us) in the beginning .

  2. Hi everybody ! ( Hi Doctor Nick !)


    Please help me resolve some doubts that I have.


    My wife and I have been granted 189 visa in mid May. A week later she gave birth to our first child and now I have to start a whole new child visa 101 for him and hope that DIBP will promptly process his application in the stated 3 months period so we can all together move to Adelaide in October. Assuming that it 101 visa will be granted (there is no reason why it shouldn't) ...we have some questions .


    We found some accommodation in Modbury and I will follow the emigrating post arrival check list mentioned in




    But ...although I have a some "rainy day funds" is there an allowance I can apply for with the government or local council...to help with some basic needs with the baby stuff or things like that. I hope that I will find a suitable work as soon as possible (IT Network and Sys admin) ..but just to have some sort of a plan B to lean on . Any inputs ?


    Thanks guys.

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