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Posts posted by buddy

  1. Hi wozzie, I can understand your partner's situation, me and my wife went through the same thing. But as far as I know there are plenty of jobs in supply chain management, logistics etc in Australia, however in Adelaide not so much. The biggest problem I see is that no one really advertises anything over here and they are quite happy to hire someone they know than an immigrant (It is slowly changing). Strange, isn't it? given that they advertise in every other country saying welcoming and warm :eek:. However the best choice for you would be to move interstate, and about the obligations of Subclass 190, your visa has no condition on it and the state government couldn't care less about your whereabouts (I'm not sure about when applying for citizenship, though, sorry) they just email you a survey link (I have done 3 of them and still no calls or mails sent to the address I am in) so it is up to you.


    And about applying for jobs try out that mob that they have set up with 2-3 ladies who has no idea what they are doing and glorifies themselves as experts in skilled immigrant job hunting. Any 190 visa holder's partner is eligible to get their skills assessed and get their help in finding a job (And it's free). I'm not sure how helpful they would be, though (as you may have guessed how I described them). Oh and you are not eligible to centerlink or jobsactive. :nah:


    As far as certifications go, it's hilarious. The most entertainingly hilarious excuse for not hiring me was that my degree was from England and they found someone else with Local qualifications, and this was after me getting my skills assessed by the Australian computer society and granting me permanent residency. What am I supposed to do? drop everything and go back to a uni and complete a degree in Australia?. I'm sure everyone is not like that but there are some. Yes, granted Adelaide is absolutely beautiful and peaceful and probably the best place to settle down and start a family, but compared to rest of Australia it's more like a lazy town with almost no sense of development (Despite the desperate attempt by media and government). My opinion pick up a couple of survival jobs or give a shot at a small business, never get discouraged by the things these people say about your qualifications.(I'm sure you and your partner are way more qualified than many over here) And of course don't take my word for it, apply for other states (Melbourne, Sydney etc.) you'll surely get some good responses. Have a positive attitude, laugh at those stupid excuses about Australian qualifications etc, most of them are Adelaide specific and the rest of the country had moved on.


    And of course, the resumes and cover letters, never be creative if you are applying for anything in Adelaide, make a CV as if you are applying for Macdonalds and then you will get positive responses. (after my wife got a response for her resume for a graphic designer position saying that it was too unconventional we just called the quits. :wacko:)


    Now, I understand I'm giving out a lot of negative vibes about Adelaide, it's not all negative. The question you need to ask is whether all the trouble you have to go through to make it work is actually worth it? If it's yes then you will have to make serious changes to cater to the Adelaide (ie : Ausi qualifications, starting from scratch, networking, etc.) If it's no, just ride out the time you have to be here and start off fresh in a different state.


    I've read it somewhere that only the primary applicant has to stay and work in the sponsored state, but I suggest that you dig into it since I'm not entirely sure.


    Hope this helps. Good luck. :wink:

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