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Posts posted by Tim

  1. Right guys - I am closign this thread off - really not in the best spirits of the forum. The mods are here to look after the best interests of the forum and to uphold the forum rules - they do it for FREE and give up their valuable time to ensure itt runs smoothly. For every one or two posts that escape the mods attention there is the others that are seen to and not known about.

  2. Thanks guys - all vaalid comment, however I think this thread has run its nautual course and think of forums as living creatures they have their good weeks and they equally have their bad weeks which is suprisingly true - as said it cycles between tow two!



  3. Cheers!


    Those who deliberately troll the forum looking to upset or flame members will be reomved along with those who go out there way to insult other members.


    Please do use the report button report.gif if you see this happening - all the mods and me will then beable to look at it!


    Thanks all



  4. There are no favourites, no rights and no wromnngs. Offensive posts and threads will be removed or edited at the mods or my discretions. Inflammatory posts will be removed and warning given. If individuals continually break the forum rules i.e. are abusive, offensive or deliberately troll the forum they will be anned from ther forum.


    it is here as a community, not here as a weapon to attack individuals or groups.

    The forum rules can be found here:- http://www.pomsinadelaide.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1084

  5. Hi All,


    I would just like to say a warm welcome to a couple of new mods on PiA. Russell (Tyke) and Jaqui (caoimhe).


    Please don't give em too much of a hard time...... until atleast they get to know how to press the right buttons. :biglaugh:



  6. We are going back to the UK and have surrendered our Aussie driving licences and got a refund and this can be done before the last minute as you can drive on your UK licence for that short amount of time until you leave. Friends of ours who have gone back didnt realise this and they left it right until they were about to go, unfortunately they have still to received the refund. Just something that might be helpful ! :idea:

    is the refund the % that you have unused before it expires?

  7. What if you dont really care one way or the other, can't that be an option to *tick* ?

    Like all forums on PiA - they'll be those that you have no interets in and those that you do.. Just ignore the ones you don't want to look at! Easy Peasy.

  8. Hi all,

    I have just voted no, the reason i voted this way was because there was not a "I don't care" choice and as people died to give us the chance to vote on forums I thought I should, (I failed my history o level so may be wrong on the last bit).:)



    Voting is compulsory in Australia for citizens - which I think is quite right. Anyway thats a topic for another thread! :jimlad:

  9. Its a forum so of course some arguments will get heated,only natural isnt it?( in the real world anyway.....)its a very emotive subject because of who it was and because of the allegations etc,i think that anyone coming on here and expecting everything to be sweetness and light is extremely optomistic/naive even,btw if anyone wants to send me insulting P.Ms feel free,as long as you dont mind getting them back:biglaugh:

    Pablo - have you got your "Sniff Out An Arguement" receptors firmly plugged in mate? :idea:

  10. As Pete says - the Barbieis for off topic chats and general banter. It is still governed by the forum rules which keeps the site fair and enjoyableto all. I have no issue with general dscussion, however I will out rightly ban any mamber who breaks the rules consistently and does not use the forum in a manner which i would constitute in the best interests of its users. That involves insulting members on the forum or via Pms etc.


    This I believe is fair. The moderators are here to ensure the forum rules are upheld, not to be insulted.


    If you have any questions or complaints feel free to PM me! I don't bite but I have very little tolerance to members who do not use the forumin true spirit for which it was created.



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