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Posts posted by TheTaylors

  1. Hi

    Hubby and I will be permanent residents in Adelaide from January and I understand that we have to get our Australian licences sorted within 90 days but can't find a cost.  Is it just the straight $43 fee for getting a new licence please?

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post....wasn't sure where to put this question.


  2. How lovely of you Snifter!  Let's hope everyone in our new home is so nice!  We do have a couple of friends who might be able to help out, and as you say, we are on some main bus routes, but if we get stuck, I'll PM you - perhaps we could meet up for a drink anyhow some time :-)

  3. Hi

    We're staying in Lockleys for the whole of January and will need a car to go and see rental properties and possibly cars to buy.  I know Jan is a busy time but the cost difference is huge!  Anyone have any other ideas for a cheaper way to have access to a car please?

  4. Hi Sarah

    I have just looked up ACE car rentals and the cheapest is $1774 for a month in January!  How did you get it for £280?  We could really do with getting a car for a couple of weeks before we buy one - anyone else got any tips for how we could get a cheap car for a couple of weeks please?


  5. Hi Leeds1877


    That's really helpful, thank you. My husband has taught at a high level in some very challenging inner city secondary schools so once he has completed the assessments etc, hopefully he will be successful. You have been there 3 years now - are you enjoying Adelaide?

  6. Great, thanks for the detailed response. We were hoping that if we can get over in August, he could apply for any term 4 starts around June/July for an October start. We are coming over February 2017 so he intends to get in contact with some schools and any education agencies then...

  7. Hi all


    Are there any teachers on here please? My husband is a secondary school English teacher and we are looking to come to Adelaide for the October term 2017. Does anyone have any tips as to how to find vacancies and how easy/difficult it is to get a job please?



  8. Hi Snifter


    I saw your post on Poms in Oz about moving from Bristol to Adelaide. My husband and I are looking to move from Bristol to Adelaide within the next 12-18 months and are v. excited.


    I just wanted to check; you mention that you used a MoveCube or something - lost the post registering on here - rather than having a shipping container. We don't intend to bring masses of stuff. Would be lots of boxes, a couple of bikes, computers etc. Could you let me know who you used and the cost please?





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