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Posts posted by north

  1. Hi,

    I'd just like to get a sense of what it's like to live around Golden Grove and neighbouring areas as you seem to get a lot of property compared to the Eastern Suburbs and just wanted to understand what the positives are and the downsides versus Eastern areas, or areas like Belair or even down to Craigburn Farm.  We've not moved yet, but have already been out and looked at some schools and we're looking at ones around Burnside and whilst we'd love to live nearer the school, we also want to maximise our budget on a bigger house, but not be completely offset by long travel times.  Commuting is not to much of an issue as we work and commute into London, so any commute has to be more favourable than the ones we have today.

    If anyone has a view on these areas, and what the journey would be like at school run time to Burnside area it would be great to hear.  Our desired area is Eastern Suburbs, but when you see some lovely houses in other areas it makes you think, but then makes you think what the compromises would be in living there.

    Any suggestions on other areas would be most welcomed too.

    Look forward to any comments.


  2. Hello,

    I'm quite familiar with the cost of food, eating out etc but would appreciate some guidance on what I can expect to pay for utilities, heating, aircon, electric, gas, internet, phone etc for an average 4 bedroom house for a family of three.

    Would appreciate all comments.




  3. Hi,

    We’re planning on moving to SA later this year and really interested to know why people elected to move to SA over the other more popular states and if anyone regrets mov8ng to SA over Sydney, Melbourne etc?

    Looking forward to some interesting comments.

  4. Hi,

    Many thanks for the comments, most appreciated.

    Our daughter goes to a lovely, but expensive catholic private school in the UK where her fees are about $40,000 per year, so we’re still happy to pay around $20/30,000 a year after we’ve moved. We chose the school as it offers a lot of co-curricular activities as she loves dance and drama along with athletics and we’d like a school which allows her to continue on her passion for these, but still with an emphasis on excellent education.

    I’ll take a look at the schools and the links and try to come up with a short list that I can contact.

    thanks again, Richard 


  5. Hi,

    Our daughter is currently in a private school in the UK and when we move we’d like her to continue in private education and would appreciate any thoughts on what the top/best private schools in Adelaide are that we should be considering.  We are not concerned about the fees, but just want to make sure she has the best education we can provide.

    All thoughts would be most appreciated.



  6. Hi,  Thanks for the guidance so far.  One key concern for us would be our daughters schooling and we'd be looking at one of the top independent schools so we want to make sure she'd be close enough to one of those.  She's currently in year 7 here in the UK and is at a top private school so we are keen to make sure she continues at the same level of education, but also balancing that with the location that we're living in.

    We have a budget of about $1 million when we decide to buy a house so we're hoping that in the hills we could find something nice that's not too remote or cut off for schools and friends for our daughter.

    Thanks again for the comments so far.

  7. Hi,

    I'm trying to find out as much information as I can about places to live in and around Adelaide and would really like some thoughts on where the nicest places are in the Adelaide Hills as I'm not exactly sure what's classed as the Adelaide Hills and I like the idea of being away from the main populated area, but also not being to isolated.

    All points in the right directions would be most welcomed.

    Thanks, Rich.

  8. Hi,

    We want to visit Adelaide in October for a weeks reccie ahead of moving and are looking for an apartment/house to rent for 10 days while we are there to avoid staying in a hotel and would appreciate any recommendations on places to stay.  I've looked on Airbnb and I'm not a great fan having been burnt once before so looking for some personal recommendations.

    Thanks in advance for any help.





  9. Hello,

    We're a family of 3 in the UK and wondering what locations/suburbs we should consider looking at.  Our main priorities would be close or within about 20 mins drive of a good private school, offer generous size plots and be in a nice location - A beach location is not a priority for us.  We have a budget of about $1.25 million which I know offers us a good choice of properties, but it's difficult to know from here in the UK looking at domain what are the areas we should consider.

    I know views on suburbs are all very subjective, but all views would be most welcomed at this stage.

    Also, I would like to know or hear of any experience, both good and bad of some the the private schools in and around Adelaide.  Our daughter will be starting in year 7 and is in a good private school in the UK, so we want to make sure that we contact what are thought to be the best schools so our daughter can continue her education.

    Thanks for all the help.


  10. Hello,


    I would really appreciate some guidance on nice suburbs that I can do some research on to see if they tick some of the boxes for us. We have a budget of $1-1.2 million and we're looking for a pleasant family orientated area within 30 mins of the city and somewhere where we can have a reasonable house and plot. I'm not to concerned about being near a beach, although I won't discount it and would look at the hills for the right property.


    Are there specific areas we should avoid looking as while Domain and Real Estate are good, you don't get a real sense of the area from 9,000 miles away in a cold and grey UK :)


    I was originally looking for areas close to some of the good independent schools, but happy to drive my daughter to these if needed.


    Thanks in advance for all comments and guidance received.

  11. Hello and Happy New Year,


    We are suffering a major dilemma as we've been planning to move to SA for some time, but our daughter and her education is our main priority and she has been offered a place at one of the UK's top independent schools and we now are unsure whether moving is the right thing given the offer she's received and worked hard for.


    If we move, which we want too, we just really need to know what the best independent schools are in and around Adelaide from peoples views, not just websites, so that we can start to contact them. Her fees at her new school in the UK will be about £25-30,000 PA, so not cheap, but well worth the investment and we are happy to pay whatever it takes to get comparable schooling in SA.


    We'd also appreciate views on good suburbs. We don't want to be near the beach and we've seen east or north east of Adelaide seem to be reasonable areas, but it would be great if we could pin down a few so we can research them some more from here in the wet UK. We have about $1MM to spend which leaves us mortgage free and while we can increase this with a mortgage it's not our desire as we want to stay mortgage free. I quite like the sound of living in the hills, but not sure what areas to look at so would appreciate some thoughts on this too.


    Looking forward to some helpful comments.

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