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Posts posted by NickyGaz

  1. Hi, first post so apologies if its in the wrong place!


    My husband Gary and I are at the start of our visa application process and we are going to do a 190 state sponsorship visa but first thing first we need Gary's skills assessed. He is a director of his own limited company in the UK. The company is a car garage and he has ran his own business for the last 8 years, previously working for others.


    When looking at the Skills assessment application form it states we must provide payslips for each year of experience we want to claim. As this is Gary's own business and it was a start up he has taken a minimal salary most years, with some years not taking a salary and instead investing in new equipment etc. Has anyone else encountered similar issues? And how do you get around this? Also we no longer have payslips from his employments pre 2009.


    Any assistance or pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.


    Thanks in advance



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