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Posts posted by master887

  1. Yeah when we applied for 489 of course. But i have NOT attached it in the 887 because it says on the website if you spent more than 12 months and my husband stayed back for 3 months only.

    I think you should have attached the same with 887 also that's why co is asking again. I suggest you attach the old one with application and apply for new one also.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Yeah when we applied for 489 of course. But i have NOT attached it in the 887 because it says on the website if you spent more than 12 months and my husband stayed back for 3 months only.

    I think you should have attached the same with 887 also that's why co is asking again. I suggest you attach the old one with application and apply for new one also.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I thought so.. that is why i asked first .. thanks.. am also having troubles certifying my payslips every JP says no that is alot they do like 4 or 5 of them and kick me out i just feel like everything is getting complicated


    Well I think as information on immi website doctors can also attest the payslips. Please check that option



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. Guys would I call immigration now to inquire.

    Am less than 6 months though


    You may call them mate but they don't give any answer. I tried couple of days ago and they gave me typical answer that current processing time is 7 to 10 months. By analysing recent grants and applications I guess we won't hear anything before mid May.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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