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Posts posted by SINGHSMAY2017

  1. On 10/19/2023 at 7:52 PM, ausdre said:

    Hi All,

    Recently got parents medical assessment request for 804, lodged 3 years back.

     Question— Has anyone got rejected in the initial medical assessment or it is just to check if TB or any other communicable disease is there or not ?

    2.) Can diabetes(controlled) be an issue for rejection ? Do they even check it in the request.

    They have BP(controlled one) and my mother had breast cancer (25 years ago, she was assessed earlier as well and was granted visitor visa), My concern is there a chance they can fail this initial medical test, Have you seen any forum where such incident has happened or this initial assessment is just to check if any communicable disease is there or not like HIV,TB etc .


    Did you find answer to your above concern? I am very worried about my dads medical. He takes insulin and other medications. Concerned about his low Egfr. 

    Please if you could share your experience.

  2. Thanks for your reply. We went through their website but it’s not clear. Somewhere it says that no residence waiting period for PPL and FTB bit under eligibility it says residency test. Even been to Centrelink they were also confused with the website information. That’s why if someone has gone through the same situation would probably know the best. 

  3. Hi All

    I have been reading about paid parental leave from Centrelink on different websites but is so unclear. My question was-

    we got 887 (PR) in August 2017, we were on visa 489 prior that. Now we are expecting a baby in month of June 2018. Am I eligible for Paid Parental Leave and Chil Care Rebate as I can’t afford to leave the job. We live in Darwin and renting and other expenses are high up here!! 


  4. On 7 July 2017 at 8:29 AM, Dharmesh said:

    Form 80 and 1221  is mandatory for you and your wife!!! For your kid it's not required as far as I know!! 

    Hello All

    i was a silent follower of this forum.

    We applied for 887 from Darwin in May. Just read through this forum and found out that its required to fill out form 1221 for primary n dependant both.

    Can someone please give tips to fill this form 1221 in as the form is very confusing. It would be big help as we have lodged our visa on our own so no agent involved. Not sure if we doing the right thing.

    Thank in advance. 

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