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Posts posted by jansibar

  1. If anyone is looking for a mortgage broker or financial advisor, we can highly recommend Andy & Stacey at Vista Financial Services, in O'Halloran Hill (www.vistafs.com.au). We recently purchased a house in the Blackwood area, and we used Vista Finance for our mortgage, following a recommendation from a friend. Andy & Stacey were fantastic - so helpful, professional, proactive and responsive - but also very approachable and very easy to work with. They kept a watchful eye on every step in the process and were able to answer all our questions - making the home-buying process much less scary than it could have been.


    Our situation was complicated due to several factors, and therefore we may not have been eligible for a home loan! But Stacey did an amazing job of putting together a good case for us, which was enough to convince the lender to give us a home loan! Thank you Stacey! We are forever grateful!!


    Highly Recommended!!

  2. Hi there

    we are about to move into a rental house in Flagstaff Hill with our 16 month old daughter, and was wondering if anyone could give us information on things to do with a wee one, or any mum's groups etc? would be nice to meet some other folk esp as my OH will be working full time before long.



  3. Thanks everyone for your replies - sorry for not replying sooner....it's been hectic!

    we had a lovely weekend in Adelaide. The job is in the city centre, where we were staying, so had a wee explore of the city & the lake which was nice, then drove around a lot of the suburbs on our way to the Adelaide Hills (Stirling, Bridgewater), Semaphore beach, christies beach, mclaren vale. We'd previously been to Glenelg when we were backpacking 8 years ago!


    now we just need to make the decision about where to stay, and if we move to adelaide, whereabouts to live in adelaide...it would be a tough decision between beach & hills!


    thanks again - will keep you posted.


  4. Hi there

    I've just signed up with this website, although have used it in the past for reference. We arrived in Australia 2 weeks ago from Scotland (myself, my husband, and our 15mth old daughter), and are currently staying in Melbourne. However, my husband has been in conversation with a company in Adelaide who are very keen on him and we're visiting Adelaide this weekend so that he can meet up with them and to give us a chance to see Adelaide.


    Can anyone give us some ideas of what to see & do while we're there for the weekend, with a view to possibly living there? esp family friendly things. We've visited before but only for 5 days several years ago, and really liked the place...hence we're considering it as an option for living.



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