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Posts posted by Vikas

  1. 7 hours ago, zulfikar_72 said:

    Hi All,

              I am 489 and applied for 887 in June 2017. In Sep 2017 I got a query that provide info to prove secondary applicant has functional english because apparently her 7.5 bands in IELTS have expired and not valid.

              To prove that I provided her Education documents but then got a response in Oct 2017 that her certificates are fine but nowhere it says that coureses were studied in English Medium. 

    Trust me it was so damn frustating - So I got a certificate from the university and also my partner took PTE and got 71 in two days. 

    Uploaded all docs last week and am waiting for the response - Have asked PTE to officially also send scores to DIBP - For functional english u just need 30 in PTE so we are good.


    HOPING to receive the majic email soon.




    Hi Zulfikar 

    it means I have to submit English test for my wife too. She did her ielts in end of 2015 when we were applying for her 489.  Now I just lodged 887 last month and while lodging 887 it says in the application that if your partner has submitted English test's results for 489 you don't need to provide. But looks like from your situation they would still ask for that. Please share your thoughts. 


  2. 6 hours ago, gurpinder singh said:

    hi, if u guys went overseas on annual leave, then u guys dont need to worry, u can apply, but if it was unpaid holidays, then u guys should wait just in case, in my 2 years in first year i went overseas for 7 weeks( 6 weeks as annual leave) and 2nd year only 2 weeks,, so it was 8 weeks and i lodged my file 1 month after,, so now its only 4 week left and that was all in annual leave

    Hi gurpinder 

    Thankyou for sharing your thoughts. I went overseas for only 5 weeks in that time in which only last 4 days were unpaid otherwise every other day was covered in annual leave. Which I am thinking isn't a big worry then. 


  3. 6 hours ago, Pearl said:

    I filled my name exactly the same for both subclass 489 and 887 (First, middle and last names). There are some of my paperworks showing only First and Last names only. My CO haven't asked about it. Applied 15 May, CO 21/Aug, Submitted additional docs on 4/Sep. Still waiting.

    Hi pomology

    i don't think you need any stat decl. In case the CO ask just provide it or if you dnt want to waste any time then submit it asap as it will speed up your case in case if it's required. 

    Hope it is helpful


  4. 7 hours ago, Bunny said:

    Hi Vikas 

    I had the same issue. I had 3 weeks leaves on 2nd year but yesterday I applied for 887. I couldn't wait another 3 weeks. I called Immigration they said short holidays like 3 weeks will not reduce the stay in Australia. 

    Taking the risk applied yesterday. It's been 28 months since I came to Australia but when I apply for 887 visa I had only 710 days that I actually lived in Australia. 

    Fingers crossed. 

    Hi bunny

    i have a friend who applied 887 back in 2011. He also travelled couple of times but both occasions it was 3-5 weeks. But he didn't wait for extra time and applied exactly after 2 years. He didn't get any problem as he said he didn't exceed 90 days in any overseas trip. I am going to do the same, let see what happens. 



  5. 8 hours ago, Pomology said:

    Hi All,

    I am going to apply 887 within few days. Just one question

     My work docs, experience letter, payslips, superannuation statement, bank statement, group certificate ATO notice of assessment, utility bills states my first and last name whereas my passport, PCC, AFP lease docs says My first, middle and last name. Not sure, if i have to do something or file it as it is?

    Also, in 2 yrs, I went overseas for 1month 2 weeks - hence, i m lodging my application after 2 weeks of due date (as one month holiday is allowed per calendar year). Am I right?

    Please advice....


    Hi pomology

    i am in same boat. I travelled about 5 weeks in these 2 years and in 20 days it will be 2 years. I don't know should I apply or wait another 5 weeks on top. 



  6. Hi guys 

    I am new to this forum. I am ready to apply 887 next month. I have few things to clear before I can apply for visa.

    1. First of all we travelled for about 5 weeks in that 2 year period. Does it affect or delay my application lodgement date?

    2. Secondly do I need form 80 and form 1221 for me and my wife separately?

    3. And do I have to provide employer letter or pay slips, group certificate and tax return certificate will do the job?

    if someone can help me with those questions, that will be highly appreciated. 


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