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Posts posted by kevt

  1. I am looking for painters for mainly new house painting on a sub contract basis, mostly in the southern suburbs, even if its only a few days here and there.


    for more information please give me a call.


    KT Painting Services





    ***Mods Note: Phone numbers removed as per forum rules - can interested parties contact Kevin by PM please? Thanks and thanks Kevin for putting the opportunity out there on the forum***

  2. Sorry only just seen these posts, I haven't been on here for a long while. Work has slowed down in the new house market but the builders have enough work for the regular guys they have, like me, I have 2 guys working for me and I am busy but not busy enough to take on more people at the current time. The problem in with working on the new houses is that because there isn't loads of houses being built the builders can keep the rates they pay down, mine have been the same for nearly 5 years now and paint goes up around 8% a year so not good which makes it very hard to pay a decent rate to people I have working for me.


    I would advise anyone starting out here to get a job working for someone to start with, while getting your licence, white card and public liability (10 million at least needed) sorted on the side and start taking your own work on, it will take a while getting your foot in doors but then if you do a good job you will have no problem. Builders are fussy considering what they pay but you can have constant work once you get in with them. I work for weeks building group Skel and they are always looking for decent tillers.


    I have been in Adelaide for almost 8 years now and work is definitely slower than it was when I first came here so be prepared so a slow start to working on your own.


    hope that hasn't put anyone one off.



  3. Hi kev, just going through TRA process at the moment but fully qualified NVQ 2 AND 3 in painting and decorating with a gold CSCS card in the UK and own business and very experienced in new builds and specifically house painting. Would love to keep in touch and hope to get some work when we arrive( touch wood) Already have family in Adelaide and have visited before so know the city a little. Can also wallpaper anything and tile. Cheers, Shaun.



    Hi Shaun,


    as i tell everyone, get in touch nearer the time and i will see what the work situation is like at the time, if nothing else i can be another contact.


    good luck with the process


  4. Hi Kev,

    We're coming out in Oct/Nov, got visa in April, have been working for myself for 8 years now, am a clean and fast painter, if you're interested can I pm you my details.

    Cheers Daz



    Hi Daz,


    please do send me your details nearer to you arriving, say a month before and i can tell you the work situation, right a this minute all the signs are that it is slow for work, but i keep getting told it's going to pick up, so not sure how long this slow period will last, i do have plenty of work for the guys i have now but not enough right now to take anyone else on, But things change very quickly in the building trade.


    good luck


  5. Hi Kevin,

    thanks for this post.

    We have a friend who's been here for the past 3 years. He has a contract until the end of July but will be looking for work after that. Will you still need people by then?






    Hi Tamara,


    all i can say is get him to give us a ring nearer the time, i am getting told by builders it is slowing down but should be picking up again, if thats the case i will have work but i am reluctant to take anyone else on until i see the work pilling up again.




  6. I am still looking for more painters, so bouncing this back to the top.

    Plenty of work if you want it.





    If there are any painters out there looking for work please give me a call, even if you have not arrived here yet but intend to soon. Things are getting really busy and i don't like turning work away. I pay according to experience.




  7. Hi, Yes its just house painting that i do, nearly all new houses too. I have had enquiries from people that can paint but i do need fast and experienced house painters, its a very fast paced and tight priced area.


    Not sure how much, or if any, decorative painting work there is around, i used to do some of this work too in england but since being here have not been asked to do any. i personally try to keep away from domestic repaints too as i just can't make it pay.


    good luck with the visa.




    Hi there Kevin,


    I am a Decorative Painter - 10yrs exp.. We got a CO 2 Feb - hoping for a visa grant soon!

    Hoping to be over by latest Sept..


    Do you need flat (basecoat) painters only or do you have the need for specialist stuff too? We do a huge range of specialist things as well as

    Hand Painted Kitchens, Furniture make-overs, Cement/Plaster Stencils, Stripes, Colourwashes etc etc..


    Will keep your number handy and perhaps get in contact once we are there!


    Thanks for the post!


    Take care,


  8. Hi

    I am a painter and decorator in London we have just been allocated c/o looking to be out by Christmas, i have had my own company for 25 years from sole trader working up to my own Ltd company over the last 6 years, most of my work is in London around the Chelsea, Fulham area which requires high finish standard. I can also hang Vinyl and Fabric as well as maintenance work Carpentry, Plumbing , Tiling etc. I will keep your number and hopefullly hear back from you at some stage

    Many Thanks Nigel Golding



    Hi Nigel,


    please do keep my number, i may be able to help somehow when you are over, keep in mind if you arrive right on top of xmas that most trades close down for 2 to 3 weeks and it does take a while for things to get going after xmas, i would say that mid december to end of january are not the best times to be looking for trade work.




  9. Hi we have just been allocated C/O meds next week etc, just wanting to know the average wage for a painter and decorator, my oh has had his own ltd company for about 20 years, he is also a plumber, just wanted rough idea so we can work things out this end, and does any one know if there is a restriction i.e time limit on when you can set up your own company



    Hi Donna,


    average wage would be between $20 to $35 per hour as a subby, you would have to pay your own tax, super, holiday etc to out of that as a subby. in commercial you can earn the higher end of that and may get them to pay some or all of your holiday, super etc, depends on your experience and the way you are employed. you dont earn as much in new domestic painting.


    Not sure about time limit starting up your own company, but would guess that once you have your licence, white card etc it should be very quick, but just guessing that. Having said that it may take a while to get your name around and get used to the way things work here, i have been here nearly 6 years and can say it took a good part of that for me to get known, it's about who you know here, although i didn't initally set out to employ people and expand.



    good luck


  10. Hi Kevin - thanks for this - I've fowarded on the details via a private message on Facebook. It is feared that after trying Adelaide for quite a while, this lad will move to Melbourne, where there's more opportunity for him. Cheers Dawn


    There does seem to be some opportunities coming up in other states, but i also think there will be trades leaving adelaide for the money in these other states too, in the very near future, so the demand for skilled trade in adelaide will grow.


    I do want to take on apprentices in the future but as i am just starting to expand, this moment in time isn't right for me. But having looked into it, i feel sorry for teenagers trying to get qualified as there is only a small amount of funding available to them and it still does not make it affordable for the likes of me to take someone on, where i will loose time in training them to start with.


    if anyone does need any advice with finding painting work, please do get in contact, i will help the best i can, even if it is only advice or a phone number you can try.


    It is all about who you know in Adelaide with trade jobs.


    good luck to those starting out.



  11. Kevin - would you conside taking on an apprentice ? I know of somebody looking for work & he has his P plates now - cheers


    Hi Dawn, i have considered an apprentice but to be honest at this moment in time i need painters as i don't have the time it takes to train someone, but would think again about it in the near future.


    Has your friend tried getting in contact with the Master builders association or HIA as they both arrange apprentices and employers and get them together.




  12. Shall do Kevin,

    Cheers! :D


    He's glad to hear there's work going... is work mainly in your neck of the woods or is it busy all over Adelaide?




    There is loads around where i live because there are loads of new houses going up and lots more planned. Not sure sure about other areas, but thers has been lots of building also in the north, how much work is available and how long it will last up there, maybe someone else knows.


    If you are good at your job you will get work, but it's all about who you know here and it takes a while for you to become known, but then there is as much work as you want.




  13. Hi Kevin,


    My OH is a painter and decorator here in Ireland, he's fully qualified-did his apprenticeship on sites. 7 yrs experience on various types of jobs. would certainly be interested in work. we're waiting on my 457 to come through and he'll be on a WHV when we arrive with a view to extending / being added to my 457 down the line. i'll happily make contact again once we have a firm date and see if you have anything on offer.


    I can PM contact details if u want?





    Hi Caz,


    Yes please do get in contact when you are here/ ready , the way things are going its only going to get busier.


    You can PM me nearer the time your husbands details.



  14. If there are any painters out there looking for work please give me a call, even if you have not arrived here yet but intend to soon. Things are getting really busy and i don't like turning work away. I pay according to experience.






    Just wanted to add we like to have a laugh and do all work well together.

  15. i would say between $20 to $30 per hour would be the sort of figure you will look at but to start with until your husband has proved himself expect to be on the lower end of that, unfortunatly he will have to show what he is like even if he has been painting for years, but as has already been said if he is a good reliable clean painter he will get work.



  16. If you want a better discount (approx 50%) give a call or PM me i have a trade account at Wattyl and can get you a good price. If you think you have saved enough to buy me a six pack then everyone wins. :D i cant do it for everyone but a few people here and there and they wont mind, as for wallpaper, dont think the dscount applies to that, but i know people that have brought paper via the internet a bit cheaper.



  17. Hi. Can anyone advise what the house building industry is currently like in Adelaide and who are the main developers.




    There is plenty of work but you will find it's about who you know rather than what you know and it takes a while to get your name around, but once you do you should be as busy as you want to be.



  18. I'm having issues. We've just bought a house in McLaren Flat but there appears to be no service coverage by any ISP's or at least in our house. We appear to live in a Blackspot.


    We have tried the Vodaphone 3G stick thing - no go, then we got sent the Wireless Bigpond modem thing from Telstra - no go. So no more internet for us! Luckily I can access PIA and Facebook from work.


    I'm seriously considering selling up and moving and we've only been here a week! Any advice?


    Does Foxtel offer an internet service? Can we use a satellite dish for internet?



    Hi michelle,


    have you tried Adam, they have the wireless service for people who live in blackspot areas and there is some goverment help too i think, not sure about details and price but here is the link-


    Adam Internet Announcement :: AdamMax - shining light on broadband blackspots



  19. Hi Kevin


    Is there much work there for Painter and decorators?





    Hi Jules,


    there is plenty of work for painters and the advertiser has job adds all the time.


    I found you are better trying to get the work face to face rather than sending cv though.


    its takes a while to get your name established, but once you do if you are good enough there is as much work as you can cope with.


    good luck


  20. Hi Kevin


    I get a lot of referrals from The Investors Club, who are an Australia wide property investment club. You don't need a lot of money to get into the property investors market. You just need your finances structuring appropriately. Most successful property investors just start by leveraging the equity that is currently available in their residential property and build their portfolio from there.


    I offer a FREE service and would be more than happy to discuss this further.


    Kind Regards



    Hi Howard,


    thanks for the offer but i already have Andy Williams on here to arrange my finances (would recommend him).

    just gathering information to learn a little more before taking the plunge.


    many thanks


  21. Thanks everyone for the advice.


    I guess if it was easy to make money we would all be doing it. I suppose like a lot of people you take a look at your life and think about how you can improve it.


    anyway like you say Andy i better paint some more houses, i guess your'e best to stick with what you know, at least for now anyway.



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