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Posts posted by juilleteap

  1. Just got my grant couple days ago. Applied on 19th October 2018. Direct grant for single applicant, don’t know who the CO was and have never lodged a complaint. 

    Travelled in and out Australia for 4 weeks each year. Renewed both AFP and overseas police check last month.

    Thank you for all the moral support from this forum. It’s your turn next!


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  2. Hi all, 

    I'm lodging my 887 visa soon. My 489 was granted in Sep 2016. I'm applying myself with the following documents:

    • Passport copy
    • PTE copy
    • Australian Police Check 
    • Birth certificate (with translation)
    • Form 80

    Proof of employment

    • An employment reference stating I worked in Vic from 2015-2017 from Employer A
    • 13 months of salary slips since grant of visa 489 from Employer A
    • An employment reference stating I worked in Vic from 2017 to date from Employer B
    • Superannuation Annual Statements (Financial years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018)

    Proof of residency

    From early 2013 to Aug 2017, I lived with my brother and didn't have any electricity/water bill under my name, so I'm supplying:

    • ATO Notice of Assessments 2016 and 2017 (with my brother's address)
    • Savings bank statements (non-transactional accounts) from 2016 to 2017 (with my brother's address)
    • Private health insurance with "Attachment A - DIBP definition" (with my brother's address)

    I started renting a place on my own since Aug 2017 in Vic

    • Tenant ledger (given by my property agent)
    • Electricity bills
    • Rental agreements 
    • Driving license (with my current address)

    Any advice on what else I can add to make my application stronger?

    For personal contacts in Form 80, I've a few Australian/PR friends who are happy to give me consent to put their names. How many you think I should put?

    Thanks in advanced. Hope this list would help someone else as well.


  3. On 10/1/2018 at 10:59 AM, Andy.L said:

    Hi All,

    I'm Preparing my  887 visa:    In online application parents details come under :  OTHER   OR    it comes under NON - ACCOMPANYING  members of your family unit?

    1. My wife is the second applicant and just wondering if I need to mention my wife's name again under Accompanying Member and then select Migrating with me? Given the my wife is here with me already in Australia.

    2. Should I Mentioned my Parents and Siblings details under Non-Accompanying Members? and Should be same in my wife's case?

    3. Under Processing details section there is one question about - "Have you or any other Person Included in this application Previously been to Australia , held or currently hold a visa for travel to Australia?"  To Answer this_ Do I need to mention about our current 489 visa details for me and my wife? Also, do I need to mention my all previous visa details here, example  student visa and all....

    Please share your valuable knowledge here, thanking you in advance for your time and help, it's greatly appreciated.


    for 3, I used the same Form 80 that I applied for 489.

    I listed all visa details from student visa to 485 to 489 since 2012. Better be safe than sorry. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Toni Huynh said:

    Yes it's me. I have just got the granted last Monday (08/10/2018). Could not be happier after a long waiting time with so much difficulties, dramas and frustrating...

    To all whom still waiting, from my own experience, if you got no granted after 6 months, it is likely your evidences or documents were not sufficient to get a direct grant. In that case, please consider following things:

    1. Get and upload more STAT DEC (from all people who know you)

    2. If you have a driver licence, please ask contact Vic road (if your licence from Vic) and ask for Driver licence history - that would show your living address from time to time

    3. Make a spreadsheet to list out all of your living time from time to time and which documents file name support for it. It would make thing clear for your CO. Then upload it.

    4. Do not just upload your payslips, you should make another spreadsheet that show your working hour every week or fortnight or month with which documents file name support for it.

    5. Last but not least, if you believe that you have uploaded all required evidences and documents (more than 6 month), try to call Immi and inquiry about your application. If they said "cannot answer anything", hang up and try to call again. Some officers will not answer but some will and he/she may even tell you which are you missing. Or at least your inquiry will be notified to your CO.


    Goodluck and Hope it help!!!

    Congrats! Did you have supply a police check from your home country? Although it says it's not required on immi, I want to be sure. Thanks

  5. Hi there, 

    I'm on 489 family sponsored visa. I'm applying to 887. I've lived in a designated area for two years, not regional area.

    In the 887 application form (See screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/WL5nCcb), it asked have you lived in specified regional area. Should I say yes or no because the list doesn't include a designated area. Thanks

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