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Naveed_dot may

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Posts posted by Naveed_dot may

  1. 4 hours ago, King Family said:

    Hi all, 

    I am a self-employed deliver driver, holding a visa 489, I just wonder how can I provide evidence of my 35 working hours when I lodge visa 887?

    This is what I have done for the job:

    1. Registered ABN and GST (Less than 75000 a year, Simpler BAS)

    2. Invoices showing my weekly salary that gets into my account

    However, should I get the reference letter from the company I am currently working for? My boss and I are not really in employee - employer relationship , I am one of his sub-contractor / driver, so would the CO consider this letter as valid? We have no contract signed. 

    Just want to keep everything on track! 

    Would anyone can share the experience?

    Thanks in advance!



    If you are self employed you should be able to demonstrate that you worked arleast 35 hrs a week. As far as your tax documents is concerned it should be your quarterly bas lodgements, ato tax receipts end of the year tax report. Make sure your invoices got the hrs you worked on it for each week or fortnight. And the employment letter shuld be saying that your are a full-time contractor worked for 35hrs weekly.

    • Like 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, Nas said:

    Hi there

    Received s56 from the CO Andrej asking for my “previous employment” which NOT part of my 489 visa (I can provide though) & 

    “Evidence of self employment” whereas I have provided 90% of all the documents he’s asked for. 

     What am I supposed to do?


    May i please know what exactly did you submited as a proof of employment is it clear enough to establish that you work min 35hrs for 53 weeks 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Jessi said:

    Yes I know I am just gathering the information that how they are operating & who can be affected.Its clear that only GSM Adelaide is doing this stuff to 489 holders who had applied from offshore .

    Please Contact mark from migration solutions.

    He is happy to help the applicant with this fuctional english matter he said this in his last facebook live. He asked the people who have been contacted by case officer for English request to share there details with him. He even said if someone doesn't want to share there personal details its ok he just need to see the example of a request letter so he can complain to immigration minister.

  4. 2 hours ago, Ramz said:

    We don’t get bridging visa while in overseas  after 489 expires ..., and some says we don’t get grants for 887 when we are in overseas.

    am waiting for international flights to start to reach Aus ASAP.

    covid-19 put us in a big rick.

    dont know what to do...hmm

    With limited knowledge i Have you can't apply for for bridging visa or extend your existing bridging visa B when you are overseas. Whenever travel resumes you need to apply for visitors visa with all your supporting documents you have from your 887 visa such as existing expired visa and explain your situation through a cover letter. Hope that helps

    • Thanks 2
    • Sad 1
  5. 59 minutes ago, basantkumar said:


    Currently, i am on visa 489. I need a few clarifications

    1) Does Uber eat work for 35 hr/w  can be considered as full-time work for PR887 (If yes any additional doc I need for it)

    2)I paid Second Installment for wife English VCA during 489 grant ( for 887 again I need to pay or IELTS required)

    For your first question.

    Work claimed by Uber drivers etc --------------------------------------------- We have had a number of inquiries around claiming 12 months of work for the 887 visa (which is the PR step for 489 visa holder) where the work is as an Uber driver. We have received the following policy advice from DHA "...To meet the work requirement of a Skilled Regional 887 visa, the applicant must demonstrate they have worked 35 hours per week, with this work being full time. Where necessary, a visa 887 applicant may "add together" the hours worked in two part-time or casual positions to meet the full-time work requirement. For Uber, taxi and food delivery drivers, the department would consider their employment as contractor and self-employed. Evidence provided as part of a visa application would need to show turnover and costs to reflect the client having worked full time for 35 hours per week. This evidence can include, but is not limited to, ATO Tax Notification, fuel and vehicle costs, bank statements, profit/loss statement..."

    Iscah migration 

  6. 32 minutes ago, Applied_On_15th_Feb_2019 said:

    To everyone saying we are not TRs, read the below notification. We are TRs. We can withdraw $10K and if you can’t support yourself even after that, you can leave the country.

    Good news for those who have just gotten 489 and have been laid off, their time in Australia will be counted towards work experience requirements for PR if they get reemployed after the pandemic.



    It's about 457 and 482 employer sponsor visas

    • Like 1
  7. Dear members 

    Iam going to apply for 887 soon. Need some expert advice about work related docs to proof 1 year employment. As iam working for sub contractor in nsw regional area he is paying  me into my bank account. I get my roster into my email for 40 hrs. got time sheets for 40hrs per week. Can provide work refrence letter. But the problem is i got no payslips. Or super  As i have to file my own tax return or show that income on abn. Hopefully is this docs enough to proof the work. 

    Please help me to understand before it get too late THANKS.


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