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Posts posted by Misplaced

  1. If someone is arriving on 489 state sponsored visa. It will take two years to apply for 887 visa which is basically PR. 
    My question is that how many years should the person stay on 887 visa before applying for citizenship? I have heard its two years on 489 and two years on 887.  Can anyone confirm this? 

    Try here https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Citi/am-i-eligible

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Thanks Alan.


    I suppose looking at things objectively if you have to be at retirement age or over for the 804 then some allowances would be expected during the medical. Especially, as it can take over 5 years to grant the visa someone's health can change in that time.


    It would be great to be able to talk to some people who have been through the 804 process.



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  3. Me again,


    Just wondering if anyone knows what the rejection rate is like for the 804 visa?


    MiL has returned home for now and she is understandably nervous about selling her house and then in 5 years ( or longer ) being rejected for the visa.


    Also, with regards to selling the house is that what others parents have done? Does she need to keep the house until the visa is granted.


    One last question how stringent are the Medicaid?







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  4. Hi John and all,


    Just a quick question I hope.


    If my MiL is on a tourist visa until March 2017 my understanding is that she would be covered by the Reciprocal Agreement with the U.K. for Medicare, for that period. Is that correct?


    Also, if she applies for the 804 Aged Parent visa she will go on a Bridging Visa A after her tourist visa expires. Does the Reciprocal Agreement still apply until the 804 is granted?


    If there is no Medicare cover on a BVA what have others done?







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  5. Hello All,


    I haven't been on for a while due to living in Canberra but the info given on here is pretty good and quick. Hence the following question on the 804 visa.


    My understanding is that the Applicant has to be in Australia when applying for the visa and be in Australia when the visa is granted, is that correct.


    Looking at the cost of the visa it is a first instalment of $3870 followed by a second instalment of $2065, is that correct. We would also have to pay an assurance of $5000 - the application would be for just one parent. Does this sound about right?


    I know there will be added costs of health exam and police check.


    Does anyone know the waiting times?


    Thank in advance and I hope you are all well.





  6. Just a thought on those figures. The world has become a lot smaller and companies employ people from other countries more readily. What the figures don't show is who chose to go from those who moved for work.


    In answer to the question is yes I would have moved back here years before we did.

  7. I'm with Gus on this one! I do not understand how any parent thinks they have the right to make/influence/blackmail their child's life's decisions for them, once they have reached 18.


    Maybe I was lucky in that my mum and dad were of the opinion your old enough to make the decisions in life now, if you want advice ask us and we will give it. It wasn't always what you wanted to hear but they were a good sounding board.


    My advice would be tell them in a firm caring way. Take the shouting, screaming and crying and then politely say 'It's our life and we hope you can find it in your hearts to wish us well, eventually!'


    Good luck.

  8. Just a bit of background on me. I was born in Adelaide, moved to the UK for many years, visited Adelaide in 2012 before emigrating to Canberra. My family and I love Canberra. We did intend on settling in Adelaide but I got a job in Canberra.


    Anyway, I think I'm reasonably placed to give some thoughts. The CBDs are a similar size. Canberra is more modern and the shops are more designer. Both CBDs are great to get around and have great eateries. I agree Canberra gets cold and as already mentioned so does Adelaide but not to the same degree. The summers are probably moRe bearable in Canberra for most people. Adelaide can get very dry and hot very quickly.


    Obviously, if it's the coastal living you really want the Adelaide is the place to settle. The beaches are great and so is the fishing. The people I would say are more friendly in Adelaide as Canberrans seem to go to work, go home and lock the doors...lol.


    Sporting wise if you want rugby then Adelaide is definitely not the place. More AFL, soccer and cricket in Adelaide.


    I hope this has helped.

  9. If you are selling your house and will have equity I would suggest opening a bank account with the NAB, ANZ or Comm Bank whilst in the UK. You can then transfer your money to that account using MoneyCorp. Once the account is setup you can arrange to pick up your cards with your personal advisor once you are in Oz.

  10. Thanks John! I will speak to mine tonight a.m. UK time. Do you know if it is possible to do a deal where you agree a rate now but can change the rate say after the Scots vote? What I am trying to say is if the rate is $1.76 now and I agree to this rate but ask them to hold that rate until after the vote. If the vote is a 'No' and the exchange rate goes up I can then take the higher rate? Hope this makes sense?

  11. With respect who to fly with I've flown Singapore, Emirates and Ethihad and although the journeys via Dubai or Abu Dhabi are shorter I have said to the family if we have to go back for any reason, it will be with Singapore.


    I found that Abu Dhabi toilets were disgusting! Often water on the floor and very untidy. Dubai was similar but not as bad as Abu Dhabi. The in flight service was not as good as on Singapore. Changi was clean and tidy.


    Obviously just how I found them!

  12. That's what I've tried to detail in the post with all the figures and the relevant para numbers. I printed out the latest fees and that's where I got this info from.


    I shall have another look on immi to see if there is a link giving some detailed examples.


    Thanks for your help.



  13. Hi Alan,


    From what I can gather he second instalment is the larger figure in all the examples e.g. $42k or $16k. The original visa request is reasonable at $2k or $3k as stated in the examples I have given.


    The first 2 examples are for an application with no temporary visa and the second 2 are where someone gets a temp visa.


    Or are you saying that there is 2 instalments of either $42k or $16k?





  14. Hi Alan,


    I've gone over the figures again and this is what I've found I would very grateful if you could confirm if my calculations are right, please.


    Conts 143 only para 19d2 applicable 1st instalment $2060 - 2nd instalment using para (19j viii) $42 220 giving a total of $44 280


    Conts 864 only para 19h2 applicable 1st instalment $3060 - 2nd instalment using para (19l viii) $42 220 giving a total of $45 280


    Conts 173 Temp para 19k applicable 1st instalment $2370 - application for Conts 143 para 19b applicable $280 - 2nd instalment using para (19j i) $16 885 giving a total of $19 535


    Conts 884 Temp para 19m applicable 1st instalment $3520 - application for Conts 864 para 19g applicable $280 -2nd instalment using para (19l i) $16 885 giving a total of $20 865


    I hope you can understand the above and let me know if I am way off the Mark! I know there is other charges such as AOS, Health check, police checks and these will have to be accounted for but just need to make sure we are on the right track with the visa side of things.





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