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Posts posted by barbaitch

  1. Hi, to all the lovely members of Poms in Oz and Poms in Adelaide. It's been a while since my last post, I know, but I'm moved to make contact again for two reasons. The first, and maybe the most important, is to say, to those who don't already know, I only found out this evening that our wonderful Gollywobbler (Gill), passed away in January of this year. To say I'm feeling very sad is an understatement. She gave so much to members, old and new, of PIO and PIA, insofar as migration matters were concerned, and helped countless numbers of people who didn't know which way to turn about starting their migration journeys to Oz. We had some personal contact through these forums, but although we never met in person, I knew she was a wonderful human being. Such a sad loss. My heart goes out to her family and loved ones.


    This heart-rending news makes my second reason for visiting PiO/PiA pale into insignificance, but because my husband and I owe so much to members following my initial plea for help and advice about returning to Oz after a long absence, and the sound advice we received which resulted in having our permanent residential status restored, I felt I should let you all know that we have finally received our official date for our Citizenship ceremony and are thrilled to say we'll become Australian Citizens on 23 January 2017. It's been a long road, but one we're very happy to have travelled. Thank you to everyone who contributed with help and advice, especially in the early days.


    I so wish I could have told Gollywobbler about our happy ending. She'd have raised a glass or three, I know. I'm raising one to her now. God bless her lovely heart.

  2. You seem to get off on people's misfortunes. You will fit right in Adelaide. Oh BTW it didn't shook me to the core it made me appreciate where I am now. Enjoy and I hope Adelaide is good for you and doesn't break you because karmas a bitch ay?



    Blimey!! Glencoe was only asking!! She didn't mean to rattle your cage, I'm sure, but you're obviously rattled. Yes, Karma could seem to be a bitch, but as it only reflects one's input, it's pretty much a reflection of what we are and the way we live our life, don't you think? It's like-for-like, or 'do as you would be done by'. I wish you well, Ken.

  3. I am one of those people who has shared my experience's of Adelaide. Most of which has been Negative. I'm honest with my opinions when prospective migrants comment and will not differ from that. If that's rattling your cage then so be it. If I feel a migrant in a particular similarity to my situation comments then I will do my upmost to uphold my honest opinion of Adelaide. The Place wasn't for me and my family but if for any reason a person asks the same questions I was then damn sure I will tell them of my personal experiences whether it breaks the status quo or not!!!




    So that's it then, Ken. You didn't like it and will say so, if anyone asks. But why bother in the first place? If you don't like it, I presume you've returned to the UK. If not, you should, because life's too short to be staying where you're not happy. Although, if you haven't left Australia yet, I would respectfully remind you to think back to what made you leave the UK in the first place. That's a tough one, I know, but the answer could be in there somewhere.

  4. Thanks Snifter. Yes, regular lurker of PIO! Plus a few other forums. Balanced view and all.


    I have Australian citizenship and my OH will have a partner visa so we're sorted in that respect. Well, not exactly sorted but on our way with the process.


    Yes, we were just saying last night we need to organise the jags etc for the wee fluffy highness. Thanks for the reminder.



    Hi Glencoe! Hope you're enjoying the last days of Summer in the UK. I read the UK press every day online and the weather forecast for the next two weeks sounds just lovely! I wish you all happy days ahead with all your preparations to migrate to Oz. x

  5. Hi there, Glencoe! Adelaide's great, in our opinion. It's certainly a good place to start your Ozzie Adventure, and hopefully the road to the rest of your life. Yes, there will be plenty of questions before you set off, so ask away. The time will fly and you'll be here in no time! Happy planning, preparing and packing! x

  6. any advice for a safe site to watch uk tv ?

    there are a couple but not sure if they're worth paying for.







    Hi Peter: Look no more! We watch UK tv nearly every evening via a fab VPN site called HOLA! Just Google 'Is HOLA! safe?', and put your mind at rest by finding out all about it and how it works. It was recommended to me over a year ago by a good friend (English) here in Adelaide and I've had it ever since. All you need to do, when it asks for your UK postcode during the download process, is type in your old UK postcode, which makes it think you're watching from the UK. That's what I did, and other friends I've told about HOLA! did the same - even though they don't live there anymore - and Hey Presto!, you've got UK tv on tap! It's brilliant, perfectly safe and FREE!! Tonight, for instance, my husband and I watched episodes two and three of the latest 'Vera' Series on ITVbe, and this afternoon we watched Ep3 of the latest hilarious UK Gogglebox, miles better than the Aussie version, which doesn't quite 'hit the spot' where off-the-cuff humour is concerned, imo. You can also watch UK tv progs through another website called DailyMotion and don't forget, YouTube have most UK tv programs. Don't pay for it, because there's no need. Just check all these sites out and see for yourself. And don't worry, they're all perfectly safe! Happy viewing!

  7. That's a bit warm for early October, isn't it?! Glad we're in England at the moment and making the most of an Indian Summer which seems to be fading fast now! Heavy rain and high winds for the next couple of days, so will no doubt be glad to be back in dear old Adelaide in November. Forecast for England is that we're in for a 'Killer Winter'! Ooh, think I prefer hot to freezing cold; can always go and sit in a cold bath!

  8. I will certainly pack our winter clothes! As we are due to arrive in October, hoping we get a nice summer before the cold hits! I can imagine that the houses are cold....luxuries such as double glazing and central heating are guess are lost in Oz?!


    How are you finding the translation in general? Have you met many people/made friends?


    Carrie xx



    I can't do without my electric blanket in Adelaide winters. We never feel as cold in the UK as we do in Adelaide during winter, but that's because we don't have central heating in Oz. But oh, what a difference our electric blanket makes!!

  9. Probably, but with an Aussie bias.


    Which reminds me, I much prefer SAO biscuits to Jacob's Cream Crackers, the latter are not as crisp.



    Ooh, not sure I agree with you there, vs. I'm thinking the JCC packet mustn't been left unsealed after initial opening if they weren't crisp. I've always thought Sao's and JCC's were pretty much of a muchness myself. Like them both equally.


    On a different subject, if anyone wants to enjoy really retro oldies all day long, going back to the '40s and '50s on UK radio online, I recommend strongly that you google 'Angel Radio' (Portsmouth). You'll be so glad you did!! I have it on all the time and love it!!


    It's 00.45am here in the UK at present, and I have it on right now!! Lovely!

  10. [h=1]Here's a report from today's UK Daily Mail which should delight those PIA members who are lucky enough to have Aldi supermarkets coming to their necks of the woods! There have been many negatives about both Aldi and Lidl over the years, but things have changed - and for the best. Happy shopping, all!




    Aldi is crowned supermarket of the year by Which? for the third year running - and Volkswagen bags best car manufacturer[/h]

    • Aldi win comes just days after Lidl was crowned best grocer by The Grocer magazine


    PUBLISHED: 18:08, 17 June 2015 | UPDATED: 18:08, 17 June 2015


    32View comments

    Budget grocer Aldi has been named best supermarket for the third-year running after beating off competition from Iceland, Lidl, Ocado and Waitrose in the annual Which? Awards.

    It was a bumper year for Volkswagen, too, as it was crowned best car manufacturer for the first time, with the consumer group rating all of its cars highly.

    Sony bagged another first at the awards, winning the best audio-visual brand after it demonstrated 'a big improvement' against competition from Samsung and LG, while delivery company DPD was handed a special award in recognition of its 'huge' customer satisfaction score.




    Runaway success: Budget grocer Aldi has been named best supermarket for the third-year running after beating competition from Iceland, Lidl, Ocado and Waitrose in the annual Which? Awards

    Meanwhile, First Direct bagged the award for best banking product, Samsung was named the best computing brand and Miele took the award for best home appliance brand.

    Which? crowed giffgaff the best telecom services provider, while travel company Trailfinders was named best travel company.





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    As well as being crowned best in their respective fields, Which? Awards winners receive a licence to use the Which? icon for 12 months when marketing their brand, although they are not allowed to use it in relation to specific products.

    The triumph for Aldi comes just days after fellow budget retailer Lidl beat off the rest of the high street, including more expensive and upmarket stores, to be named Grocer of the Year by the Grocer magazine.

    The fast-growing budget chain saw off finalists including Waitrose, Asda and Aldi, which took the top spot last year.

    The awards are a coup for Aldi and Lidl, which have made a huge effort to target middle and higher income shoppers with their combination of good value basics and cut price luxury.

    The awards are the latest acknowledgement from industry figures that the budget supermarkets offer quality as well as good value.




    On the right road: It was a bumper year for Volkswagen, too, as it was crowned best car manufacturer for the first time, with the consumer group rating all of its cars highly

    The budget supermarkets have triggered a supermarket price war among the traditional retailers, which have been cutting prices to win back shoppers.

    However their efforts have not yet stemmed the tide, with their market share expected to rise by another 15-20 per cent by 2020, according to Moody's.

    Which? group chief executive Peter Vicary-Smith said: 'A Which? Award is our way of recognising the businesses that share our ideals and offer products and services that improve their customers' lives.

    'Good businesses can truly be consumer champions. By treating customers fairly, businesses will be rewarded for their efforts with more confident consumers helping to drive growth in the economy.'

    Business Secretary Sajid Javid said: 'Customers are the most important people to any business. Without customers there are no profits, no exports, no growth.

    'The Which? Awards are testament to businesses who recognise this. It's why we are committed to making Britain the best place to start and grow a business, and helping more businesses deliver the award-worthy service their customers deserve.'

    Aldi's UK chief executive Matthew Barnes said: 'Which? embodies the interests of the nation's consumers, acting to provide them with the best advice and value for money.

    'Winning this award is an absolute privilege and recognises our ongoing ability to help UK shoppers save money without compromise.'


    energyhelpline0206_122x84.jpgCould you save £300 on bills?

    Big energy switch

  11. Aldi's very good, I believe. In fact, in England, Lidl and Aldi are going great guns, according to what I've read lately in the UK press (I'm back in England at present for 6 months). Only found out the other day both are run by brothers in opposition to each other. How about that then? Lidl in the UK have won lots of awards recently and I believe Aldi are doing really well, too. So, lucky you, if you have an Aldi in your neck of the woods!


    It was such a lovely start, reading the positive description of Adelaide in the above link, until I came to the comments following the article. Such a shame! No matter how cheerful and upbeat one might feel when reading such a nice report, there's never a shortage of people ready to drag you back down. Oh well, we love Adelaide - warts and all!

  13. Thanks everyone, we just have a job to start looking for now that Craig has his white card and give the school a call on Monday :) all seems to. Be coming together, went into the city today and had a walk I to the oval and took the kids to the SA museum, it was really good, and free....



    Welcome to lovely Adelaide, samandcraig! So glad you're enjoying everything. It's so easy to find your way around and nowhere takes long to get to. Yes, its good here, isn't it? We love it, too.

  14. Google it up I think you can get an explanation, but it's not to about a human mother, more nature I think. It does get rave reviews for food but we only had the coffee. Go-on be brave and try it!


    Oh, K&L, I'm sure it's all lovely and natural and stuff, but for me it's what the name implies. I just can't get past that when it comes to public hostelries/cafes/restaurants et al. I'm all for mother's milk when it comes to newborns; it's nature's way and a wonderful start to life for newborns. My own two bubs started out on life that way, I'm happy to say. No, it's just me. I guess we've all got the odd foible in one way or another, and this one's mine, although I'm not on my own with this one, I know. Like I say, I realise I'm probably missing out on some nice treats, but - there you go... Each to his own. I love lots of things in life, but this restaurant name thing is not one of them, I suppose. No offence meant to anyone who might be offended. xo

  15. Linda and I just happened across "A Mothers Milk" coffee shop on Unley road, did not really look that much of a place, but had a coffee anyhow, Linda commented on how really good the coffee was, then a couple of weeks later we see the Barista had won some sort of Australian Barista competition, might be worth a try if your in the area.

    Also there is a bakery we found when we were walking the suburbs one Sunday afternoon, "St Peters Bakehouse and coffee shop" a couple of people sat inside and out, but boy there was a steady stream and queues of customers for all the bakery items, very surprising for a Sunday arvo, it all did look good though, we had a nice coffee and cake, but the next time we had the Cornish pasty, which was fair compared to real pasties but good for Aussie standards, I would recommend a visit to this place for the coffee and cake as well as normal bakery supplies.


    PS. I just googled A Mothers Milk, seems gets quite good reviews.



    Although I'm sure you're right about the coffee shop you mentioned, but I'm a bit put off by the name 'A Mother's Milk' - well, a lot put off if I'm honest - as having a vivid imagination tends to conjure up ...no, won't go there...


    I'm the same with pubs/restaurants with names like 'Slug and Lettuce' and 'Hog's Breath' etc.; If I was fancying a nice salad lunch, for instance, I'd never visit a restaurant with the word 'slug' in its name.


    It's a shame because I'm probably missing out on some nice treats because of my name phobia. Oh well, it takes all sorts, I suppose. lol!

  16. Good old Doug! Yes, I'm sure Mims would do well following your good sound advice. You really do seem to get the very best out of life and it's good to know you enjoy it all so much. In fact, we could all do with a 'Doug' friend in our lives, at times! Purely by observation through reading PIA threads, you're a perfect example of what a 'people person' truly is. You're the man. All the best.

  17. Sorry to hear about what you've been through. I agree you need a fresh start.

    Nothing to stop you travelling by boat to Australia instead. You can travel on same ship as your possessions. We looked into it, but decided that my mobility issues would prevent it. Might be worth investigating.

    Best of luck. Hope you are able to find an alternative to the flight


    What a great way to travel! Best of luck, Mims. It must be tough on all of you, for all the reasons you've given. There's always a way around tricky situations; you just have to look at it from all angles. Shipboard life for a month or so sounds like the perfect solution in many ways. Good luck with whatever you choose to do! PS: I'm sure your doctor could give you something to keep you calm for the 24 hours on the plane. And there are courses for people with fear of flying which might be worth checking out.

  18. WOW!! What an uplifting account of your experiences in order to gain your PR to live in Adelaide, Etch!! Very heart-warming indeed. I send my very best wishes to you and your family and wish you every success for the future in your new life Down Under! Welcome to PomsInAdelaide, by-the-way. I, too, have every reason to be thankful for all the great advice and help so willingly given by the lovely members, all of whom have travelled a similar road to the one you're now on. Good luck!

  19. I don't know how you do it - to resist the cakes :shocked:





    Nine times out of ten times I'm okay watching my friend tuck in to something gooey or chocolatey or walnutty when we're having morning or afternoon coffee catch-ups, but whenever I do weaken, I always feel bad afterwards because of the calorie-thing and then wish I hadn't ... ! So I tend not to; at least, not when it comes to coffee and cake with friends, that is. There was no mention of fruit-and-nut chocolate with a nice cuppa tea watching telly later on at home with MrH. Now that's a different thing altogether... LOL! :wink:x

  20. At Prospect there is Muratti's Cakes and Gateaux which I think is fantastic - really spoiled for choice - the display window is just always packed with cakes, pastries, their coffee is really good. It's always got heaps of people there. There is also a place called Cafe Komodo a few doors down which I haven't been to yet. It is hidden away down a little walkway and it's got ambience and real rustic appeal. I went to check it out and it is quiet spot away from the main road of Propsect Road which can be very noisy. It feels like a secret special place.


    Hi NicF:

    Yes, I've been to Muratti's with a friend who can't resist the cakes and always buys a gateau to take home after a visit. I'm watching the calories, so tend to stick to coffee and leave the cakes in the display case, lovely though the selection looks! The coffee's good, though. My daughter has been to the Komodo Cafe and said it has a great ambience, having a '60s theme with vinyl records on the walls. I think she said they play 50s and 60s music, so it sounds like a good place to visit. Have fun !

  21. Okay been searching around ready for our move looking at prices of food etc...

    Now I make all my own food from scratch including bread.

    I can't find where online ie big supermarkets that sells bread flour and yeast.

    Can anyone give me the heads up please.

    Thank you



    Hi cardmakerex65:

    Coles Supermarkets sell strong bread flour under the label 'Lighthouse'. They also sell pizza and biscuit flours, so you'll be in Flour Heaven when you get here and start shopping for ingredients! I expect Woolies (Woolworths) sell bread flours, too, but can't say for sure as I do all my grocery shopping at Coles (where you get 'Flybuys' loyalty points on every dollar spent, but Woolies only start awarding their 'Everyday Rewards' loyalty points after a minimum spend of $30!) I wish you all the very best for your new life in Oz!

  22. thankyou, yeah we had read it on hear awhile back so we did pack some xx



    That's good to know, sac. I pass the powerboard tip on every time someone asks the question: 'Any tips on what to bring?', so perhaps you picked it up from one of my earlier posts? (Or even from the same source I got mine?) Either way, it's a goodie. Next time it crops up, I'll be there again, passing it on... Or maybe, who knows, you'll beat me to it next time? LOL! Have fun, hun!

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