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Posts posted by MAH

  1. 1 hour ago, bornil said:

    Guys...after 446 days(1 year and 2.5 months) got the PR today. Thanks to Almighty.

    Date of 887 visa apply: 19th April,2019

    First CO Contact: 26th May,2020( CO Eng just told that your file is in progress but did not ask any documents, My baby was 7 months at that time, so I was frustrated not having Hap id then)

    1st June,2020: Mailed to skilled support and gsm allocated for Hap id

    4th June,2020: Complained through immiaccount.

    9th June,2020: 2nd CO(Michelle ) gave me Hap id by s56 docs.

    9th-10th June,2020: search online every 2 hr for Bupa appoinment, tried for Port Augusta also, but did not get appointment in June.

    11th June,2020: call Bupa at 8 am in morning and got appointment in Norwood medical centre on 2nd July,2020

    2nd July,2020: Done medical and clicked the submit button on that afternoon as I saw no action required in my daughter's health assessment section.

    8th July,2020 at 1 am night : 28 days completed after document request, so complained again to finalize visa

    8th July 10:26 am: Got the golden grant by Co Sophie


    Documents: Federal Police clearance updated on 25th May,2020

    Overseas police clearance updated on 2nd July,2020( CO did not ask though)

    Payslip, rent receipts, House lease agreements  updated to till date on 25th May,2020

    Medium of instruction with transcript and certificate of mine uploaded on 25th April,2020 on others section

    Wife medium of instruction with transcripts, certificates along with Ubereats tax summary, Cer 3 certificate uploaded on 25th April,2020 

    887 visa seems like boat visa to me sometimes as processing time jumped from 6 months to 29 months intentionally by DIBP, then after change.org , petition and coronavirus idle time making case officers to look into our files. Atleast our voice worked, thats a great victory.

    Hope all of you guys get grants soon.



  2. 8 hours ago, trx said:

    a) someone told me that the green medicare card was sent to them without even notifying medicare about it , so im going to wait a couple of weeks before going to medicare

    b) if you have a child and a spouse that does not work and if your income is below a certain amount you maybe eligible to get family tax benefit b payments , if so you might have to take your documents to centre link otherwise for many other benefits we have to wait for between 1-4 years 

    c) Nothing else that i can think of other than updating immi account when you move address and preparing for citizenship 🙂

    Thanks for valuable information

  3. 1 minute ago, oalabi said:



    i cried for joy as i saw my immi grant in my email.. i must confess its a big relief.. 

    My timeline


    Applied 8.04.2019

    Family of 4. Had a baby while on 489 and have applied for 887.. medicals done by paper after sending birth certificate and passport to skilled.support, baby 489visa and bridging visa for 887visa granted 2nd day after submission.

    Document requested 25.05.2020 (polio vaccine... i guess it was requested cos i went oversea for 28days in 2018. Cant say for sure)

    Complained and uploaded new polio certificate same say of requested 25.05.2020

    Raised another complain online via immi account7.06.2020

    Sent complain email to all known email.. gsm.allocated, nse and skilled support 11.06.2020. 

    Grant recieved 16.06.2020 at 2.07pm.


    I wish and pray for everyone waiting that your joyous day will come sooner than later.. to everyone who have contribute, i must say you guys are legends. 

    We will all meet at the citizenship forumn.. i will still be here to answer questions.


    N/b the anxiety and depression. The fear of the unknown that i experience while waiting will take weeks didnt automatically disappear when i saw the grant. 


    Thanks to everyone for the support.. 


    Congratulation for your grant . Kindly share link of citizenship forum

  4. 3 minutes ago, Ram9025 said:

    @MAH I’m driving Uber. In form 80, in employment section, what should I write the address for Uber? Should I write the head office address. I drive in Geelong. However, the Uber office is in Melbourne. I’m thinking to write , “Uber doesn’t have office in Geelong”. Is it okay?

    I put it black


  5. I saw the multiple queries about Uber/Taxi Driving documents .

    Hope the below information will help to get direct grant for uber/taxi driving as job evidence


    a)      Uber Driving

    1.       CPV (Commercial passenger vehicle) license

    2.       CVL certification

    3.       GST Registration

    4.       ABN Registration

    5.       Uber weekly payment also showing working hours online

    6.       Uber monthly payment

    7.       Uber Tax Summary

    8.       Bank statement for showing the weekly uber payment   

    9.       Notification for ATO for BAS  

    10.    BAS payment evidence

    11.   Tax payment records



    b)     Taxi Driving

    1.       CPV (Commercial passenger vehicle) license

    2.       GST Registration

    3.       ABN Registration

    4.       Corresponding job letter Taxi Network operator

    5.       Login Logout from Taxi Network

    6.       Notification for ATO for BAS  

    7.       BAS payment evidence

    8.       Tax payment records

    9.        Bank statement for showing some cash deposit to my account at highlighted

  6. Alhamdulillah’s Grant Grant Grant ...........

    Direct Grant at 3:00 pm

    Date of Application : 27th Sep,2019

    Family of 4 base on NT

    Country of Origin: Bangladesh

    Uploaded below:

    a) AFP for   me and my wife

    b) Evidence of English:  For me - University transcript and letter from employer and for my wife - OET result

    c) Upload Payslip up to 3rd June,2020

    d) Upload electricity Bill: upto Jun,2020

    f) Bank statement up to June,2020

    g) Employment letter 

    I almost revamp all the documents at last week.


    Special Thanks to Nugdee and Mr. Singh to help me to prepare documents.

    This group is very helpful 

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