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Posts posted by Dublibn2OZ

  1. Hi Alex,


    I am very new in Adelaide, would love coffee some time... I have a 3 year old daughter and 16 (!) year old son. We are currently staying in western suburbs too until we find permanent accom. Drop me a line and we will arrange something?



  2. Hi Wes,


    when are you moving to Adelaide? we are going to OZ in January and we also have a teenage son who is 16, turning 17 shortly after our move. He is also VERY concerned that he will have no friends and will have to spend his birthday with an old borring couple like us and his little sister who is only 3...

  3. Hi

    Myself and the family are moving to SA in January. I think I'm having a wobble, do we go or do we stay in Ireland. The worry is the amount of Jobs in IT and my OH as a Community worker. We have a rental in the city for 3 weeks but we are looking to see if we can rent in port noarlunga. We have two kids, 3 yrs and a 16yr old.


    We have our house rented out so nothing to stop us moving but Just the job scene. I have tried to apply for jobs from Ireland but seems to be wasting my time until I arrive.



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