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Posts posted by lucy52

  1. I'm Lucy, 31 and have been in Adelaide for 2 weeks now from Nottingham. Living at West Lakes, working in the city which im loving but missing female company over a glass of wine/coffee etc. Missing my friends back home and as i don't have kids am not sure how im going to make new friends and despite this feeling a bit like a 'dating site desperate plea' thought it may actually be a good way to meet new people.


    Im pretty normal - love a good gossip over a few glasses of white wine although i think my wild nights on the town days are probably over.


    message me if you fancy a coffee/wine



  2. Hiya


    The Dept of Correctional Services provides similar services to probation. They provide a wide range of services in the criminal justice system including custodial/prison services, community correctional services and programs. The best place to look is the correctional services (SA) website but you may want to look at a prison officer role as well as probation as i believe theyve been recently recruiting. Ive just started with the dept and love it - well worth the move. Good Luck :-)

  3. Thank you for taking the time to send such a long and thoughtful message. I think part of the reason im struggling was that my heart has never been in the move. My other half is Australian and although he certainly hasnt forced me here or anything but he wanted to move as he had no job security over in the UK whereas i wasnt that long into a promotion id worked really hard to get. Im going to give it a good shot but I feel bereft and im struggling to remain positive which is completely unlike me normally. I'm going to try and use this site for advice/pick me ups/reassurance - thanks again for your thread :-) x

  4. I moved to Adelaide a week ago from the UK with my fiance who is originally from here. On paper it looks great, we both have good jobs where as in the UK he was recently made redundant but im incredibly homesick after only a week and am really worried this is how its going to be long term. I miss my family terribly and feel like a fish out of water. Would be nice to hear some reassurance that this is normal as at the minute im starting to think ive made a huge mistake. Any advice/thoughts/personal experiences gratefully received. :unsure:

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