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Posts posted by Markrw

  1. Hi Naomi


    Sorry but I have to let you know some of the information in some of the replies on your post are incorrect regarding the building industry. The building industry is not booming but quite the opposite is just moving along at a steady pass well below were it should be. I know of 4 trades leaving to return to the UK as there is more work and the wages are better. I came as a carpenter & Joiner in Nov 2007 and found it hard to find the work I did in the UK heand this was when the industry was booming. I have since moved into site management for a local building company so I get to see most of the trades on my site and quite a few from the UK so get to hear their stories and troubles. My advise to your husband would be to get he's building licence and ABN Tax number so he can go self employed as he will have more freedom to move around and negotiate a wage he wants. Working for a local firms the hourly rate varies from $23 P/H to $30 P/H which will be ok for a while he finds a job he likes. Most carpenters I have spoken to move around at first as they struggle to find a job they like so move around Ive only met 4 lads who said they loved their jobs from the start.

  2. Hi I if you get a recommended inspector by someone you know who has used that inspector and for your peace of mind then I would go with him. I would make sure you tell him to get in the roof space and not just pop his head in attic hatch. I know 2 real estate agents who also say they are a waste of money as anyone can become an inspector here with minimum experience in the building industry. One thing I would specifically ask him to check for is suspected asbestos as they put it in products like vinyl floor tiles, eves, roofs, fences, wet areas and I've seen it as the garage ceiling in one property. In commercial properties its law that landlords or building owners have an asbestos register but this does not apply to domestic dwellings. Inspectors also only do a visual inspection for termites so they are extremely basic, if your buying a property that is expensive or your putting a lot of your money into an old property like the one you spoke of, I would also get a termite inspection using the thermal camera with a reputable company like murray pest control or complete pest control. We've used complete pest control and they are thorough and can take about 2 hours to do a 4 bed house with a good report and recommendations.

  3. Hi FranMarie


    I wouldn't bother as they are a wast of time and Money, but I would have a termite check done with a company called Complete Pest Control using the infrared camera. Building inspectors sometimes miss asbestos which is everywhere here and is most old houses. What age is the house you are looking at buying? anything build before 1989 could have asbestos in but unlikely. The more older properties build early 1980's and 1970's will have asbestos in the eves, roofs and fences.

  4. I however do live here and agree with the post deryans has posted I have both friends form Adelaide and other parts of Australia and all have said there are too many do-gooders set in there ways and want Adelaide to remain a small country town. Are neighbour told us that are kids will eventually move away from Adelaide as all 3 of there kids now live outside SA for better work prospects and to be in a place that has a pulse after the clock his 5.00pm. Adelaide is a place loaded with red tape that has a strangle hold on business which Ive never seen before, I went to a Harvey Norman store on one of the public holidays only to find out they cannot sell any electrical goods, what's that all about???? another stupid law in SA. I once heard the Premier of Victoria called SA a backwater and I thought what a comment to make about a fellow Australian state but I can understand why he made that comment. SA however is nice place with some great wine regions, beaches but its been poorly governed in the past.

    I have also notice a comment on here that has compared Adelaide to London......rubbish compare apples with apples.


    Adelaide as a large country town needs to cut bull**** laws, modernise to keep its youth and not just be known as the city of poorly designed and constructed churches.

  5. Watch out for all mum's who drop off or pick up kids at the school, wife got $85 ticket for just stopping on a yellow by an unmarked cop car. My wife pulled into the same spot as another car left and simply stopped let or child out then left didn't even stop the engine. The cop must have got quite a few mum's that morning just show how low the SA Gov has got in my opinion.

  6. Hi Hawk4

    How are you I had a fireblade not to long back but sold it to many point on my licence, but been looking at getting another road bike soon. Like you Iv'e been looking for a few lads for some ride outs. I miss my rides over to Philip Island for the Moto GP racing and a few beers, got a couple of lads who keep egging me to get a bike one from Scotland.We just across the road from you up the hill.

  7. Oh, I'd be interested to know.


    We've just bought a jet ski so hubby needs to do this!


    Hi vokkiann were did you get your ski from? Iv'e been looking at bills but expensive, not to sure about grey import from EX Liquidate.

  8. Mark: We have our medicals in a couple of weeks. So hopefully all will be ok and we will get our visas and book flights for August!! Can't wait to have a BBQ there!!!!


    Hi Charl nice one will do a BBQ when you get here, it will be winter here then so will be cool but nothing like the UK. I remember the time we came over both exciting and scary as we had never been to OZ before, so knew nobody, didn't know about this site nothing, we just turned up at the airport and started from there.

  9. Mine go to Seaford Rise also - the padded room is Seaford K7


    Hi thought it wasn't Seaford Rise primary with the padded room although the staff need one for them selves from time to time...lol Are son has been there since we arrived in 2006 and has been ok, a couple of things but nothing to want to move him away. How do you find Seaford Rise primary are your kids settled there.

  10. THanks all for the info. We'll have a critical look ourselves at seaord prmary, seaford k-7 and port noralunga prmary butit's good to know about these persnal experiences. Thx!

    (sorry, typos, iPad)


    Hi bj27 are son goes to Seaford Rise Primary not Seaford K-7 I thought it wasn't Seaford Rise Primary with the padded room. My wife's friends daughter had problems with bullying at Seaford K-7 but bullying dose happen in every school, hope you find the school that you feel happy with.

  11. Are child goes to Seaford Rise primary school and has never had any problems with bullying or any of his friends, as for a padded room not sure about that. I asked my wife who volunteered her time at Seaford Rise primary school in a reading class for the kids if she ever saw a padded room, she can't remember ever seeing a padded room. I would visit the school & others yourself to make your own mind up. Bullying happens at every school at some point in time just the way it is these days.

  12. I'm so confused, can someone please help me?!


    When we had a quote we were told we couldn't take candles, the guys came today and started packing up (gosh, my house is bare / weird ) and told me i can take candles.

    I know that you can't take beeswax candles but how do i tell the difference?


    This may sound like a stupid post but when we got married we had candles on the tables. They have our name, date and where we got married on so do have sentimental value.


    Thanks guys and girls!



    You can bring normal wax candles into OZ my wife packed all of hers but did have two candles destroyed that had seeds and dries flower in them & she was gutted as they were her favourite candles and expensive when she got them. We were told we could take candles buy our shipper but we forgot about the dried flowers & seeds, this was 6 years ago now. I called customs today for you on 1300 363 263 and spoke to a Melisa and she also put me through to a quarantine officer called Paul who both said normal wax candles will have no problems being shippeded into OZ. However if they have any animal or plant product in them they will be confiscated and either quarantined or destroyed.They also said check with your shipping agent which we said you have and the same as us none of them gave you clear advise what to bring or no to bring, and he did confirm normal wax candles we ok.

    This is what I was told today by customs, I hope you do not get a customs officer confiscate them on the day your shipment arrives as it depends on the officer inspecting your shipment what he decides, but you will be ok with normal wax candles as we were, hope this helps.

  13. We have 2 friend who are desperate to sell but can't both been to validate there visas & cant wait to get here, so sell sell sell. We sold our house before we even got are visas by 10 months I just wanted to be on a position to go as soon as we got them. I found a place that did cheap container storage 82 pounds a month & stayed at relatives was a squeeze but worked out for us.

  14. Hi ausieman I knew about the boat licence which I have now but I have been looking at the seadoo as you know they have the closed cooling system with a auto cut off if you did capsize the ski. I do not know much about the mechanics how ever but have been informed of a dealer for bikes and skis can take you for a ride when it comes to the servicing of them.

    I know to keep the engine in good condition would be to keep them in the Murray but we live close to Moana so would like to get the ski in the sea.

    I was told by someone the supercharged skis would take a lot to fill and could empty very quickly if you riding the ski long and hard.

    I will have a look around for the skis you have recommended but thanks for you reply food for thought.

  15. Hi G will PM you


    Hi Mark


    How's the house sale doing any news?


    Don't worry about the sea true there are big fish, but more creatures in Qld that will do you harm, Adam got a new wet suit yesterday so he can start surfing again. The beaches are pretty safe around Adelaide or I wouldn’t let him surf.


    Say Hi to Yvonne for us all & James team won their first match 16 to 1



  16. I have got 2 people to chose from to get a ski one imports them and has a few skis to chose from the other is a dealer in Adelaide, the import is cheaper and probably the servicing too. The dealer I have been looking at can take you for a ride from what I have been told and not on a ski either...lol just wondering if anyone had got a ski and had any issues with were they had bought the ski.

  17. Hi

    I have a friend who was in the same situation as you but in NZ quite a few years ago now.

    What I have experienced with on entering the UK is you will have to go through the none European gate when entering the UK and provide a exit date for your new baby.

    Try this website http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living-abroad/passports1/entry-requirements

    Our friend did return to the UK and eventually got there son duel citizenship for NZ & UK.

    Hope this helps

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