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Posts posted by bapganesha

  1. 25 minutes ago, TAS887 said:

    The rule has changed for last 1 month.

    for Primary applicant.

    they can show 2 year Australian study 

    or PET IELTS result should be valid at time of applying 887 (it s okay if it expires while you wait for the visa) . Validity is 3 years. 


    Is it 1-year or 2 years full-time study in Australia? DoHA states it as 1-year full time study in Australia

  2. 9 hours ago, Vimmi Bajwa said:

    Hello Everyone, I am very new to this Forum and have few questions, if someone can assist me with the replies would be great😀

    1) I was sponsored by my brother and I am Victoria. I have applied for 887 last month and in the documents checklist it ask evidence of relation, relation or sponsor. What I am required to provide here? Can someone please provide me a template?

    2) How I should have my case added to the tracker?


    Thank you for your help in anticipation, looking forward to much needed help!

    Hi Guys, 

    I have the same question. Do we have to attach supportive docs of the sponsor? We have already done this at the time of 489. 

    If someone could let us know, we would appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance

  3. Hi jaknap3

    If we have updated details of new passport in the Immiaccount, do we still have to complete Form 929 and send it to 929@homeaffairs.gov.au? 

    My new passport number has already been mentioned in the VEVO. Is it mandatory that Form 929 has to be completed despite updating the details in Immiaccount?

    Could you please clarify this for me?



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