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Posts posted by Skyline123

  1. Hi Snifter, thanks for the link, we have shown our daughter and she is now suitably pacified!! Phew...

    Yes, we are concerned about the employment situation, it is a worry. I also have not been able to get a feel from this site for the jobs Rob and I are in, as I never see anyone mentioning tourism or social care employment. We are coming with an open mind, and hopefully to explore the job market and make an informed decision. Your right, we have spent years researching Adelaide and debating the pros and cons of us coming over but now we are excited to finally be coming over to see it.


    Thanks again :)

  2. This is the question our 8 year old daughter keeps asking us!!! We are coming over the middle of July for a look/see, but apparently she can't wait that long, so I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to let us know the answer?

    we are Mandy, Rob and Heidi and hoping to check out family areas in Adelaide, that seem to have good reviews on this site, such as Prospect, Glenelg and Happy Valley.

    Ive been on and off this site for years while we have dithered over coming to see Adelaide, and have always found it a great source of information, and I really enjoy reading everyone's stories and updates.



  3. Hi.

    The only bit of advise i can give is don't keep worrying about all the money or jobs or whatever else is stressing you.

    Just book your flight and get over here and start living. Trust me it will all fall into place.

    My wife and our 3 kids 4, 3 and 1 arrived in April this year. Hired a campervan for a wk. Travelled about. Found a rental property. Found a job.

    Now we have our own house in Aldinga Beach and a business. I was tough but anything is possible if you all stick together.


    Good luck but you wont need it.


    Any advise just email.





    Hi Craig,


    Thanks for the advice, it was good to read someones else s experiences, and to know that there are people out there doing well and enjoying the life style change. My husband was interested in renting in the Aldinga Beach area, and we've looked at it on Google Earth. Will no doubt email you with more questions when we think of them.


    Enjoy the sun,



  4. Yes, I agree. My daughter is in quite a small school now where she knows everybody, so a big school would make me uneasy, although I think she would be fine in it!! Thanks for the feedback on the Glenelg area, it's so much better to get a real experience rather than just looking on Google Earth all the time.

    I did look at the threads on schools, after I posted my initial thread and I did find these extremely helpful and full of information.

  5. Well you are not alone!! As much as I want to go to Australia, the thought of uprooting the family - at a huge financial cost ,on a gamble that might not pay off, scares me to death. I really don't know what I'm gong to do, but I totally agree with you, it is very comforting to know I'm not alone in my doubts. No-one can give us the answer, that's the trouble, but I do hope you find your answers soon, and I wish you all the best.


    Mandy x

  6. Hi,

    We are a family of 3 + 1 dog, planning to move to Adelaide beginning of 2013, which I am finding very scary!!

    Have been reading some of the posts on this site, and everyone seems very helpful and full of information, so I'm hoping to pick some-ones brains if I can.

    Areas to live in Adelaide that we have liked the look of so far include Reynella East and Glenelg. We have based these choice on proximity to the CBD and the coast. Also we have to take into account our 5 year old daughter, so really need to be in a family friendly area. Does anyone know if the primary schools are of good reputation in these areas? and if not, which are the best areas for primary schools? We will be unable to live in the most expensive areas, so middle of the road is what we're looking at.

    Also, I am a support worker, currently supporting homeless women with children, and my husband is a head chef who now runs his own bakery shop. Major concerns over being able to find employment once we get to Adelaide as you can imagine. As I have already read on some of these posts, my husband has contacted Chef agencies over the internet, but of course, no reply, which is understandable.

    I am worried about taking my daughter away from her school and all her friends, even though she is very confident and outward going. I am also worried about the financial costs involved. Having to start again when your in your forties is a big risk, especially with the possibility of never getting back to the financial position we are in now. It's a tough one, any words of wisdom would be gratefully appreciated.

    Thanks for reading. :smile:

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